Error Representation
- What are errors ?
- Default Response to an Error
- The Dependency Error
- Failures in Component Configuration and Start
- The Planning Failed Error
- Aborted Tasks
So far, we've touched execution in Syskit when everything is going fine. This is hardly the case, both in development and in production systems. Robots have a complex interaction with their (potentially harsh) environments. Hardware fails. Software has bugs.
The first question is going to be what is an error. It is hardly a simple question when seen in the context of a complex, adaptable system like a robot under Rock and Syskit. We will then go into the more practical cases of the common errors that you will encounter while working with Syskit. We will not breach the subject of error handling on this page. This will be done later in a separate part
What are errors ?
One of the most important concept to understand within Syskit is that errors are contextual. What may be an error in a given context might be nominal execution in another. There's rarely something like an error in absolute.
Within Syskit, an error is usually an unexpected event. For instance, a
dependency error would be caused by a component's stop
event, as the component's enclosing composition needs the component (this
need being represented by a dependency relation.
However, the same stop event might be expected by other parts of the system.
In the same way, the failed event of a planning task
is the source of a PlanningFailedError
. The same planning task could be used
in a different context for which this event is not an issue.
There are errors whose source is not an event. For instance, the failure to establish a connection between two ports will have the composition which needs this connection as an error context.
Because errors are contextual, every exception is associated with either a task or an event in Syskit's internal structures - the exception source. In addition, it may be associated with a particular relation. In the dependency example above, the dependency error is associated with the dependency relation(s) for which the failure event is a problem.
Default Response to an Error
Whenever an error happens, Syskit's default response is to stop all jobs and components that were enclosing the faulty relation if specific relation(s) are associated with the error, or the faulty task if not. Tasks that were needed only by said jobs are stopped by the garbage collection pass.
The Dependency Error
Let's see what happens if we run the arm controller and manually stop the
The error looks like this (parts that you can't interpret yet removed)
OroGen::CartCtrlWdls::CartCtrl:0x1664c10<id:401>(conf: ["default"], orocos_name: arm_pos2twist) failed,
child position2twist of SyskitBasics::Compositions::ArmCartesianControlWdls:0x220fc68<id:408>(robot: profile:SyskitBasics::Profiles::Gazebo::Base),
the following event has been emitted event 'stop' emitted at [17:58:58.634 @1750] from ,
owners: ,
arguments: ,
orocos_name: "arm_pos2twist",,
conf: ["default"],
The failed relation is,
owners: ,
arguments: ,
robot: profile:SyskitBasics::Profiles::Gazebo::Base,
depends_on OroGen::CartCtrlWdls::CartCtrl:0x1664c10,
owners: ,
arguments: ,
orocos_name: "arm_pos2twist",,
conf: ["default"]
Just below this one, a MissionFailedError
is displayed as well. Missions are
another name for jobs. Whenever a unhandled error cause a mission to be
terminated by Syskit (as part of the Syskit's default error
handling we've just discussed), a corresponding
MissionFailedError is generated as well to make it easier to track what happens
to the missions for e.g. UIs or higher-level goal management.
Notice that in Syskit two components that are connected to each other do not have a dependency relationship. From Syskit's point of view, a component does not depend on its sources to be functioning or faulty. The network that binds them together is. This allows to isolate the role of each component in an overall function, and to build either degraded or orthogonal functions on the same set of components. What fails is the function, not the component. Obviously, there are cases where the function and the component are one and the same, but this is not often the case.
Failures in Component Configuration and Start
The failure to configure, or failure to start a component is a bit of a strange beast. It relies on Syskit's ability to represent the negative of an event emission: instead of representing that an event – in this case the start event – has been emitted, Syskit represent those by representing that the start will never be emitted. This also causes a failure in the dependency relation between a composition and its children.
Let's emulate an error by mis-configuring cart_ctrl_wdl::WDLSSolver
. With the
work we've done validating the tip and root
links, we'll
just edit the task's configuration file and trigger a reconfiguration:
The error looks this time like this. The important part is that the dependency failure is caused this time because the start event is unreachable while it was before caused because an event had been emitted.
OroGen::CartCtrlWdls::WDLSSolver:0x7f589155df20<id:889>(conf: ["default"], orocos_name: arm_twist2joint, robot: profile:SyskitBasics::Profiles::Gazebo::Base) failed,
child twist2joint_velocity of SyskitBasics::Compositions::ArmCartesianControlWdls:0x7f5890ffb280<id:767>(robot: profile:SyskitBasics::Profiles::Gazebo::Base),
triggered the failure predicate '(never(start?)) || (stop?)': the value of start? will not change anymore,
the following event is unreachable start event of OroGen::CartCtrlWdls::WDLSSolver:0x7f589155df20,
The unreachability was caused by:
failed emission of the start event of OroGen::CartCtrlWdls::WDLSSolver:0x7f589155df20 (Roby::EmissionFailed),
The failed relation is,
owners: ,
arguments: ,
robot: profile:SyskitBasics::Profiles::Gazebo::Base,
depends_on OroGen::CartCtrlWdls::WDLSSolver:0x7f589155df20,
owners: ,
arguments: ,
orocos_name: "arm_twist2joint",,
conf: ["default"],,
robot: profile:SyskitBasics::Profiles::Gazebo::Base,
failed emission of the start event of OroGen::CartCtrlWdls::WDLSSolver:0x7f589155df20 (Roby::EmissionFailed),
link name 'does_not_exist' is not a link of the robot model. Existing links: ur10_…
Do not forget to restore the configuration file to something valid, and to run
a syskit.reload_config
in the shell to apply the change.
The Planning Failed Error
We've already seen a planning failed error when we attempted to start both
and arm_cartesian_constant_control_def
jobs in the
introduction. Let's have a look again:
In this case, the error displayed would be:
failed to plan SyskitBasics::Compositions::ArmCartesianConstantControlWdls:0x679e428
setpoint: {:position=>Vector3(0.5, 0.0, 0.5),
:orientation=>Quaternion(1.0, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))},
robot: profile:SyskitBasics::Profiles::Gazebo::Base
planned by Syskit::InstanceRequirementsTask:0x6757280
action_model: Action arm_cartesian_constant_control_def [snip]
device ur10_fixed is assigned to two tasks that have mismatching inputs,
In this case, the only thing that can cause a PlanningFailedError
is that the planning
task emitted the failed event. Given that the failure was caused by a Ruby exception thrown
during the deployment, this exception is displayed as well (the device ur10_fixed …
Aborted Tasks
Tasks emit aborted when they were running but their execution agent stops. Indeed, as we've mentioned in the description of the execution agent relation, an execution agent that stops really means that the executed tasks are already dead.
Let's see an example. This is what happens when the safe position job is running and I stop the Gazebo simulation:
Note that as the rest, whether the fact that tasks emit the aborted event would be actually considered an error for the system mainly depends on the task structure. Usually, the abort would trigger a dependency relation – this is what happens here and the reason why the other tasks are stopped. For a counter-example, a common bug in newly developed components is that they crash when they are stopped. Given that they are usually stopped when they are not needed by the system, this error would not affect the running jobs.