Validating Configuration Consistency

This is a more advanced topic. As it touches system-wide consistency, and configuration validation concerns, it is important. However, you may also want to skip it and come back here later.

In the Deployment page, we have passed the control chain's tip and root parameters through the config/orogen/ files, and the SDF model through Syskit. In a complex system, there is a lot of such "spread out" configurations. Ensuring that everything is centralized is not always possible - or even desirable. One goal of a system like Syskit is to provide the environment to ensure that all these parameters are consistent with each other regardless.

We will have a glimpse at this now by verifying that the links that are in the tip and root parameters are actual links from the SDF model. This is done by checking the parameters in the task's #configure method. None of the implementation is Syskit-specific. Only the testing environment is.

argument :robot

# @api private
# Validates that a link is part of the provided robot model
# @param [String] link_name the name of the link
# @param [String] property_name the name of the property being
#   verified
# @raise [ArgumentError] if the link is not in the model
def verify_link_in_model(model, link_name)
    if !model.each_link.any? { |link| link.full_name == link_name }
        raise ArgumentError, "link name '#{link_name}' is not a link of the robot model. Existing links: #{", ")}"

def configure

    # Extract the model into its own SDF document
    as_root = robot.sdf_model.make_root
    # And get the new model
    model = as_root.each_model.first
    verify_link_in_model(model, properties.root)
    verify_link_in_model(model, properties.tip)

    properties.robot_model = as_root.to_xml_string
    properties.robot_model_format = :ROBOT_MODEL_SDF

Writing helpers in Syskit apps

The verify_link_in_model functionality is obviously a good target for being factored out as a standalone helper. In Syskit apps, these helpers are stored within the lib/<app_name>/ folder (e.g. lib/syskit_basics/). Corresponding tests are stored in test/lib/.

In this case, one would create a lib/syskit_basics/sdf_helpers.rb file with a SyskitBasics::SDFHelpers module that contains

# Validates that a link is part of the provided robot model
# @param [SDF::Model] sdf_model the SDF model
# @param [String] link_name the name of the link
# @raise [ArgumentError] if the link is not in the model
def self.verify_link_in_model(sdf_model, link_name)
    if !sdf_model.each_link.any? { |link| == link_name }
        raise ArgumentError, "link name '#{link_name}' is not a link of the robot model. Existing links: #{", ")}"

As for the constant generator, we should test the functionality. The syskit gen orogen call created a test template. Let's modify it to test the setup for WDLSSolver. The modifications for SingleChainPublisher will be left to the reader :P

describe cart_ctrl_wdls.WDLSSolver do
    attr_reader :profile

    before do
        # Create a mock that has a robot model
        xml = <<-EOSDF
        <model name='test'>
            <link name="root_test" />
            <link name="tip_test" />
        # We don't really need a full profile object, only an object
        # that provides a Model object from a '#sdf_model' attribute
        # Let's fake one using flexmock. Flexmock is loaded as part
        # Of Syskit's test harness
        @profile = flexmock(sdf_model: SDF::Model.from_xml_string(xml))

    it "sets the robot model from its 'robot' argument" do
        # Create a fake test configuration with valid root and tip
        syskit_stub_conf OroGen.cart_ctrl_wdls.WDLSSolver, 'default',
            data: { 'root' => 'test::root_test', 'tip' => 'test::tip_test' }
        task = syskit_stub_deploy_and_configure(
                with_arguments(robot: profile))
        assert_equal "<sdf>#{profile.sdf_model.to_xml_string}</sdf>",

    it "raises if the root link does not exist" do
        syskit_stub_conf OroGen.cart_ctrl_wdls.WDLSSolver, 'default',
            data: { 'root' => 'invalid', 'tip' => 'test::tip_test' }
        e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
                    with_arguments(robot: profile))
        assert_equal "link name 'invalid' is not a link of the robot model. "\
            "Existing links: test::root_test, test::tip_test",

    it "raises if the tip link does not exist" do
        syskit_stub_conf OroGen.cart_ctrl_wdls.WDLSSolver, 'default',
            data: { 'root' => 'test::root_test', 'tip' => 'invalid' }
        e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
                    with_arguments(robot: profile))
        assert_equal "link name 'invalid' is not a link of the robot model. "\
            "Existing links: test::root_test, test::tip_test",

And run the tests either on the command line or with the IDE.

The tests for WDLSSolver we just wrote should pass. However, we get an error for AdaptiveWDLSSolver:

  1) Error:

cannot find an ordering to configure 1 tasks
    orocos_name: "task_under_test",
    conf: ["default"]
  ready_for_setup? false
  missing_arguments: robot
  has no should_configure_after constraint
    /home/doudou/dev/vanilla/rock-website/tools/syskit/lib/syskit/test/network_manipulation.rb:788:in `syskit_configure'
    /home/doudou/dev/vanilla/rock-website/tools/syskit/lib/syskit/test/network_manipulation.rb:1023:in `syskit_deploy_and_configure'
    /home/doudou/dev/vanilla/rock-website/tools/syskit/lib/syskit/test/task_context_test.rb:63:in `assert_is_configurable'
    /home/doudou/dev/vanilla/rock-website/tools/syskit/lib/syskit/test/task_context_test.rb:75:in `is_configurable'
    /home/doudou/dev/vanilla/rock-website/bundles/syskit_basics/test/orogen/test_cart_ctrl_wdls.rb:55:in `block (2 levels) in <module:CartCtrlWdls>'

With the missing_arguments: line we have already seen. Looking at AdaptiveWDLSSolver, we can see that it is subclassing WDLSSolver:

AdaptiveWDLSSolver subclassed from WDLSSolver

This is reflected in the class hierarchy on the Syskit side, which means that AdaptiveWDLSSolver does inherit the configure method we just wrote. Given that it does not overload this method itself, we can just delete the test.

Finally, we should run the whole test suite to verify we haven't broken anything:

syskit test -rgazebo

Which does generate errors in the compositions. The generated composition files test for configuration (which is usually where there is code). Let's adapt those to make sure they run. We basically need to provide a proper robot model and configurations for the SingleChainPublisher and WDLSSolver components, based on what we've already done for these two components.

Fix the composition tests

Let's fix the test for ArmCartesianControlWdls first. We basically need to setup the 'default' configuration for the two components, and a proper robot model. Let's do it in the test's before block:

before do
    # Create a mock that has a robot model
    xml = <<-EOSDF
        <model name='test'>
        <link name="root_test" />
        <link name="tip_test" />
    @profile = flexmock(sdf_model: SDF::Model.from_xml_string(xml))
    syskit_stub_conf OroGen.cart_ctrl_wdls.WDLSSolver, 'default',
        data: { 'root' => 'test::root_test', 'tip' => 'test::tip_test' }
    syskit_stub_conf OroGen.robot_frames.SingleChainPublisher, 'default',
        data: { 'chain' => Hash['root_link' => 'test::root_test', 'tip_link' => 'test::tip_test'] }

and modify the test to pass the robot model

cmp_task = syskit_stub_deploy_configure_and_start(
    ArmCartesianControlWdls.with_arguments(robot: @profile))

Do the same modification for the ArmCartesianConstantControlWdls composition and now verify that the tests pass with syskit test -rgazebo.

Next: Before we move on to the Syskit runtime aspects, let's recap what we've just seen