Geometric Transformations

This is a page in a 3-part series.The first part presented the issue, and how to handle geometric transformations within C++ libraries. The third part dealt with system-level concerns.

This part presents how it is handled at the component level.

At the component boundary (i.e. ports), one has to use Rock's base::samples::RigidBodyState (RBS) type to represent the state (pose and velocity) of a rigid body expressed in a certain reference frame, and in particular frame transforms. Unlike in libraries, where a certain flexibility exists, that flexibility disappears at the component interface because inputs and outputs must be of the same type to connect.

However, just as with libraries, one has to see the component as a self-contained algorithm. Frames names inside the component's code must be chosen in relation to the algorithm and not the system it will be integrated into. This applies to the component ports as well.

Generally speaking, define your frames precisely either in the orogen file (if it is relevant for the component interface) or in the C++ files if it is internal, and follow for ports the same conventions than with variables in C++ code. The one deviation from this convention is to use _samples as output prefix (instead of one of the accepted prefixes) for RigidBodyState values that contain composite quantities (e.g. pose+velocities).

Generic Handling of Kinematic Chains: Rock's Transformer

A popular functionality in robotic software frameworks is the ability to transparently provide to components the transformations between any two frames on the system. This is critical to avoid embedding the kinematic structure of a system in components that don't need it.

In Rock, this is done by the transformer. Each component that uses the transformer gets as well:

  • a certain number of transformation on the component's dynamic_transforms input port
  • a certain number of transformation on the component's static_transforms property

The transformer then will be able to compute certain frame transforms for the benefit of the algorithm inside the component. The rest of this page will present its usage.

It is somewhat tempting to use the transformer to manage all transformations within a system. Don't. The transformer is really meant to handle variations in the robotic system itself (placement of sensors and actuators). For environment-robot transformations (pose and velocity of the robot, …), stick to having separate input ports.

Correspondence of global and local frame names

Any RigidBodyState that is meant to be passed as an input to the transformer must fill the RigidBodyState sourceFrame and targetFrame field. As a reminder, the sourceFrame is the object whose pose is being described, while targetFrame is the reference frame.

Unlike the "internal" frame names chosen for variables or ports, the names within the RigidBodyState are global frame names. As such, they have to be configurable. To play nice with Syskit's support for the transformer, you must name the property that will contain these names ${internal_frame_name}_frame, of type /std/string

For instance, let's assume I have a component that uses a lidar to compute the transformation between an object and a reference frame. I would naturally define object and ref as the frames of my output, name the output port object2ref_pose and, assuming that I intend to use this output in the transformer, I would:

  • define the object_frame and ref_frame properties of type '/std/string'
  • fill the RigidBodyState's sourceFrame with _object_frame.get() and the targetFrame with _ref_frame.get()

Using the transformer

Components that require a transformation between two frames on the system's body should use the transformer to get it. The main advantage to do so is that it gives the system a single source of truth, and makes configuration a lot easier.

What should never be injected in the transformer are output of probabilistic estimations that have high uncertainty (such as any SLAM, really)


Components that will want to use the transformer must depend on the drivers/orogen/transfomer package, by adding the following line to the package's manifest.xml.

<depend package="drivers/orogen/transformer" />

Transformer definition in the orogen file

Within the task_context block, one configures the transformer by passing a block to the transformer statement, like so:

task_context "Task" do
    transformer do
        # Configuration statements

Transformers are also stream aligners: they align streams to compute the best transform estimate, and also to optionally align other data streams with the transform stream. As such, they need a max_latency argument to set a default latency.

The main transform declaration statement is transform. It declares that the component needs a certain transform, using frame names specific to the component/algorithm. For instance, in the context of the lidar object pose estimation component I outlined above, we would do

task_context "Task" do
    transformer do
        transform "lidar", "ref"
        max_latency 0.1

Another example: a visual servoing component that takes visual features as input and provides a command within the vehicle's body frame would have the need for the features to command transform. It would be declared with

task_context "Task" do
    transformer do
        transform 'features', 'command'
        max_latency 0.1

The data that is meant to be processed with the transform can be aligned with it.

transformer do
    align_port "detected_features"
    transform "features", "command"
    max_latency 0.1

In that case, a callback will be generated, much like with the stream aligner. The difference is in the name: while the stream aligner callbacks are named ${port_name}Callback, the transformer ones are named ${port_name}TransformerCallback. In doubt, always look at the fresh templates in the orogen's templates/ folder.

void Task::detected_featuresTransformerCallback(const base::Time &ts, const ::VisualFeatures& features) {

Transformer in the C++ Code

Being, under the hood, a stream aligner, the rules related to usage of ports and updateHook implementation apply to the transformer as well

Within the C++, the transform object is available through a generated _features2command object which can be queried through its .get method.

The first argument to .get controls what is the expected time of the queried transform. It is needed only if the transformer is expected to generate an interpolated transform by setting the third argument to true.

When the third argument is false, the transformer computes the kinematic chain using the transforms whose timestamp is just before the given time. If it is true, it interpolates the transformation from the transforms it received with a timestamp just before the passed timestamp, with the transforms it received with a timestamp just after.

Note that this functionality will only work reliably inside the transformer callbacks, since it ensures that the given time is ordered in time. The transformer does not keep a full history of everything it receives, and is therefore very likely to fail to interpolate or even return a transform if called outside the stream alignment callback.

While the type to represent poses on the component interfaces is base::samples::RigidBodyState, the working type is usually Eigen::Affine3d. The transformer's get method accept returning that data right away. When reading ports, you can get an Affine3d from a RigidBodyState with getTransform()

Example: accessing a transformation within a transformer callback

void Task::detected_featuresTransformerCallback(const base::Time &ts, const ::VisualFeatures& features) {
  Eigen::Affine3d features2command;
  if (!_features2command.get(ts, features2command, true))
      // no transform available yet, do nothing

  // Do the processing

Example: accessing a transformation in the updateHook

void Task::updateHook() {
    // VERY IMPORTANT. Must be first, ports are read here by the stream aligner

    Eigen::Affine3d features2command;
    // Thirsd argument MUST be false as we are not within a TransformerCallback
    if (!_features2command.get(base::Time::now(), features2command, false))
        // no transform available yet, do nothing

    // Do the processing

Example: processing a "plain" rigidbodystate output to combine it with a transform

void Task::updateHook() {
    // VERY IMPORTANT. Must be first, ports are read here by the stream aligner

    Eigen::Affine3d features2command;
    // Thirsd argument MUST be false as we are not within a TransformerCallback
    if (!_features2command.get(base::Time::now(), features2command, false))
        // no transform available yet, do nothing

    // We usually suffix the RigidBodyState with _rbs to keep the 'clean' name for the
    // Affine3d variable
    base::samples::RigidBodyState target2features_rbs;
    if ( != RTT::NewData) {
    Eigen::Affine3d target2features = target2features_rbs.getTransform();
    Eigen::Affine3d target2command = features2command * target2features;

    base::samples::RigidBodyState target2command_rbs;
    // IMPORTANT: figure out the best timestamp
    target2command_rbs.time = target2features_rbs.time;

Limitations and Guidelines

See the caveats and the guidelines from the system part.

As you can see, the transformer uses the Eigen library frequently. Unfortunately, it has some pitfalls that are important to keep in mind. One of the most common is how Eigen operations interact with the C++ auto keyword, spoiler alert it isn't how one would expect. Refer to the Eigen Common Pitfalls page for more details.