Creating our Command Generator

Where are we ? We have created The SyskitBasics::Compositions::ArmCartesianControlWdls composition, which positions an arm at a given cartesian position. The cartesian position is provided outside the network. We will now create and integrate both the generator to provide this setpoint, as well as the generator to maintain a constant joint position. The next pages will then bind the result to the simulation and finally deploy and run it. We will also learn how to write unit tests.

Below, the parts we will handle on this page are in blue.

Where are we ?

The Cartesian Constant Generator

For the command, let's generate a single constant command. It will allow us to move the arm tip from one point to another, expressed in the cartesian frame. The first step is to find out what's the data type of the port. If we look at the dataflow in the ArmCartesianControlWdls composition, we find:

Datatype of the cartesian command

The type name is /base/samples/RigidBodyState. Types like this one are defined when implementing components, which is something we will see later. You can have an overview of the types already available in your Rock workspace by looking at the Types section in the IDE's model browser. Clicking on a port will lead you to this port's type page. Right-clicking on any page allows to go to previous pages.

bundles/common_models provides Compositions::ConstantGenerator, a generic implementation of a component that periodically emits a value of a certain type. This generator is a Syskit::RubyTaskContext, which a component that is executed as part of the Syskit process. It is useful to create very simple components without having to get through the process of creating a full-fledged C++ component. It is also used in tests to stub existing components.

ConstantGenerator is generic, so it's not used as-is. One instead creates a specific component for the task at hand. In our case, we'll create the Compositions::ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator generator specialized for our purposes.

First, generate the new model

$ syskit gen ruby_task arm_cartesian_constant_command_generator
      exists  models/compositions
      create  models/compositions/arm_cartesian_constant_command_generator.rb
      exists  test/compositions
      create  test/compositions/test_arm_cartesian_constant_command_generator.rb

The easiest way to reuse the constant generator is to subclass our generator from it, by using the ConstantGenerator.for(type) method. We first have to import the type. typekits are the units that define types in a rock system, so we have to import /base/samples/RigidBodyState's typekit, which is listed on the type's page:

Finding a typekit for a type

To import it, one must use the import_types_from stanza. Let's put it all together:

import_types_from 'base'
require 'common_models/models/compositions/constant_generator'

module SyskitBasics
    module Compositions
        class ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator <

which gives us

Cartesian constant generator

The documentation of the out port tells us that its value is controlled by the 'values' arguments. Task arguments are ways to parametrize tasks from within Syskit, and are listed in the middle of the task rectangle. In the generator, we see for instance four: period, orocos_name, conf and values. orocos_name is set by Syskit itself, period is the period at which the value should be generated. We will see about conf later on this page.

Improving the arguments

The format of the 'values' is actually awkward for a command generator. Let's provide a better setpoint argument that is transformed to set values.

class ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator <
    # The setpoint as a { position: p, orientation: q } hash
    argument :setpoint

    def setpoint=(setpoint)
        rbs = Types.base.samples.RigidBodyState.Invalid
        # Use 'fetch' to generate an error if the key is not present
        # in the hash
        rbs.position = setpoint.fetch(:position)
        rbs.orientation = setpoint.fetch(:orientation)
        self.values = Hash['out' => rbs]

Note: the position and orientation here are assumed to be respectively a vector (of type Eigen::Vector3) and a quaternion (of type Eigen::Quaternion). The underlying type system is a subject for another part. For now, just accept it.

This kind of "high-level argument shadowing low-level arguments" sugar must have a one-to-N relationship (usually one-to-one). It is possible but not trivial, under the Syskit argument handling, to "aggregate" multiple high-level arguments into a low-level one.

Finally, the command is timestamped, so we need to update the timestamp each time the value is read

class ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator < ...

    def values
        if v = super
            # Do not change the argument "under the hood"
            sample = v['out'].dup
            sample.time =
            Hash['out' => sample]


Unlike the composition that created the arm control network, the ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator contains "active" code, that is code that will be evaluated at runtime. It is important to properly unit-test it to ensure its correctness.

Each time we ran syskit gen, files were created both in models/ and test/. The default Syskit test framework is the spec implementation of minitest. Let's now adapt these templates for our generator.

Start by deleting the default test from test/compositions/test_arm_cartesian_constant_command_generator.rb, to keep only the describe block:

require 'models/compositions/arm_cartesian_constant_command_generator'

module SyskitBasics
    module Compositions
        describe ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator do

The first step in each test usually is to get a deployed, ready-to-test instance of our component or composition model. The test harness provides a set of methods for this:

  • syskit_stub_and_deploy will create this instance
  • syskit_configure will then configure it, making it ready to be started
  • syskit_start will then start it

Commonly, one would use syskit_stub_deploy_and_configure and syskit_stub_deploy_configure_and_start as shortcuts for the sequential calls.

The argument to these methods is the task model under test, that is ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator here. If arguments are needed, they are provided with the .with_arguments(key: 'value') call. Testing how values is set from setpoint therefore looks like:

it "propagates its position and orientation arguments to #values" do
    p =, 2, 3)
    q = Eigen::Quaternion.from_angle_axis(0.2, Eigen::Vector3.UnitX)
    task = syskit_stub_deploy_configure_and_start(
            with_arguments(setpoint: Hash[position: p, orientation: q]))
    assert_equal p, task.values['out'].position
    assert_equal q, task.values['out'].orientation

From the command line, one runs the tests on a single file with:

$ syskit test -rgazebo test/compositions/test_arm_cartesian_constant_command_generator.rb

and all the tests for a given robot configuration with

$ syskit test -rgazebo

Note that the our new tests would not be run by simply calling syskit test -rgazebo, as the generator and composition models are not loaded within the gazebo configuration (yet).

The IDE also gives an interface to the tests. It will display all the tests for the given robot configuration and allow to start them separately. It also allows to auto-run all the discovered tests, and re-run tests when the files change, like so:

Now, let's test if the timestamp is properly set. Given that time is a very common quantity in Syskit tests, the Syskit test harness integrates with the timecop library.

it "returns the value with an updated timestamp" do
    p =, 2, 3)
    q = Eigen::Quaternion.from_angle_axis(0.2, Eigen::Vector3.UnitX)
    task = syskit_stub_deploy_configure_and_start(
            with_arguments(setpoint: Hash[position: p, orientation: q]))
    Timecop.freeze(expected_time =
    sample = expect_execution.
        to { have_one_new_sample task.out_port }
    assert_in_delta expected_time, sample.time, 1e-6

The expect_execution construct is the Syskit starting point for all things asynchronous in tests. Sending and receiving samples requires the constant generator to be executed - and therefore Syskit's own execution loop as well.

Rock's time representation has a precision of one microsecond, while Linux (and therefore Ruby's Time class) go to the nanoseconds. This is why the time comparison is not done using assert_equal, but assert_in_delta.

Given that the preamble of our two tests is the same, it would be best to move it into a before block:

describe ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator do
    attr_reader :task, :p, :q
    before do
        @p =, 2, 3)
        @q = Eigen::Quaternion.from_angle_axis(0.2, Eigen::Vector3.UnitX)
        @task = syskit_stub_deploy_configure_and_start(
            with_arguments(setpoint: Hash[position: p, orientation: q]))

    it "propagates its position and orientation arguments to #values" do
        assert_equal p, task.values['out'].position
        assert_equal q, task.values['out'].orientation

    it "returns the value with an updated timestamp" do
        Timecop.freeze(expected_time =
        sample = expect_execution.
            to { have_one_new_sample task.out_port }
        assert_in_delta expected_time, sample.time, 1e-6

Creating the ArmCartesianConstantControlWdls Composition

Now that we have a generator, let's bind it to our control loop to have something that can move and hold our arm to a given pose. This is obviously going to be done by a composition as well.

$ syskit gen cmp arm_cartesian_constant_control_wdls

Trivially, the network just binds the control network with the generator:

require 'syskit_basics/models/compositions/arm_cartesian_constant_command_generator'
require 'syskit_basics/models/compositions/arm_cartesian_control_wdls'

module SyskitBasics
    module Compositions
        class ArmCartesianConstantControlWdls < Syskit::Composition
            add ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator, as: 'command'
            add ArmCartesianControlWdls, as: 'control'

                connect_to control_child.command_port

Inspect the resulting network in the IDE. See how the hierarchy view has two levels of composition, which is resolved at the dataflow level.

Tip: One can hide the compositions in the dataflow view to help readability with the Hide compositions button

Let's run the generated test now:

$ syskit test -rgazebo test/compositions/test_arm_cartesian_constant_control_wdls.rb
Run options: --seed 31835

# Running:


Finished in 0.341306s, 2.9299 runs/s, 5.8598 assertions/s.

  1) Error:

cannot find an ordering to configure 1 tasks
    orocos_name: "stub3",
    period: 0.1,
    conf: ["default"]
  ready_for_setup? false
  missing_arguments: setpoint, values
  has no should_configure_after constraint
    …manipulation.rb:788:in `syskit_configure'
    …manipulation.rb:1047:in `syskit_configure_and_start'
    …manipulation.rb:1006:in `syskit_stub_deploy_configure_and_start'
    test/compositions/test_arm_cartesian_constant_control_wdls.rb:10:in `block (2 levels) in <module:Compositions>'

As-is, the test generated by the template fails. The test looks like:

cmp_task = syskit_stub_deploy_configure_and_start(

The error message is that cannot find an ordering to configure 1 tasks, the task being SyskitBasics::Compositions::ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator:0x2714010. This is not our composition, but the constant generator. What's going on ?

Syskit tasks can only be configured and started if all their arguments are set. Having unset arguments is a very common cause for the error we're having here, and indeed we can see that missing_arguments: setpoint, values.

In order to be able to see the encompassing ArmCartesianConstantControlWdls as a single component for the outside system, we would need to define a setpoint argument on it and forward it to the generator. This is a very common pattern, and Syskit supports it:

require 'syskit_basics/models/compositions/arm_cartesian_constant_command_generator'
require 'syskit_basics/models/compositions/arm_cartesian_control_wdls'

module SyskitBasics
    module Compositions
        class ArmCartesianConstantControlWdls < Syskit::Composition
            argument :setpoint

            add(ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator, as: 'command').
                with_arguments(setpoint: from(:parent_task).setpoint)

Let's modify the test to actually set the setpoint, and verify it is forwarded. Delete the it "starts" test and replace it with

it "forwards its setpoint argument to the generator child" do
    setpoint = Hash[
        position:, 2, 3),
        orientation: Eigen::Quaternion.from_angle_axis(0.4, Eigen::Vector3.UnitZ)]
    cmp = syskit_stub_deploy_configure_and_start(
        ArmCartesianConstantControlWdls.with_arguments(setpoint: setpoint))
    assert_equal setpoint, cmp.command_child.setpoint

The Joint Position Constant Generator

There's another control mode that we need. In order to either hold a position, or go into a safe position, one needs a joint position constant generator and the corresponding composition.

The creation of this generator is left to the reader.

Tip: a good representation for the setpoint would be a joint_name=>joint_position hash, where joint_name is a string and joint_position a floating-point value (always in radians !). Given that we've not yet dealt with the type system, you will also need to know that to create a /base/commands/Joints from within Ruby, you do:
    names: joint_names,
    elements: joint_commands)

where joint_names is an array of strings and joint_commands an array of
    position: position,
    speed: Float::NAN
    effort: Float::NAN
    raw: Float::NAN
    acceleration: Float::NAN)

NaN is used within Rock to indicate either 'unset' (for commands) or 'unknown' (for sensor readings)

The JointPositionConstantGenerator

Let's generate the files

syskit gen ruby_task joint_position_constant_generator


require 'common_models/models/compositions/constant_generator'
import_types_from 'base'

module SyskitBasics
    module Compositions
        class JointPositionConstantGenerator <

            # The setpoint as a hash of joint names to joint positions
            argument :setpoint

            def setpoint=(setpoint)
                joint_names    = setpoint.keys
                joint_commands = do |position|
                        position: position,
                        speed: Float::NAN,
                        effort: Float::NAN,
                        raw: Float::NAN,
                        acceleration: Float::NAN)
                self.values = Hash['out' =>
                        names: joint_names,
                        elements: joint_commands)]

            def values
                if v = super
                    # Do not change the argument "under the hood"
                    sample = v['out'].dup
                    sample.time =
                    Hash['out' => sample]

and the test test/compositions/test_joint_position_constant_generator.rb:

require 'syskit_basics/models/compositions/joint_position_constant_generator'

module SyskitBasics
    module Compositions
        describe JointPositionConstantGenerator do
            it "sets the names and positions based on the given hash" do
                task = syskit_stub_deploy_configure_and_start(
                        with_arguments(setpoint: Hash['j0' => 10, 'j1' => 20]))
                assert_equal ['j0', 'j1'], task.values['out'].names
                assert_equal [10, 20], task.values['out']

            it "returns the value with an updated timestamp" do
                task = syskit_stub_deploy_configure_and_start(
                        with_arguments(setpoint: Hash['j0' => 10, 'j1' => 20]))
                Timecop.freeze(expected_time =
                sample = expect_execution.
                    to { have_one_new_sample task.out_port }
                assert_in_delta expected_time, sample.time, 1e-6

Let's now create the corresponding composition:

syskit gen cmp joint_position_constant_control

Fill the implementation in models/compositions/joint_position_constant_control.rb:

require 'common_models/models/devices/gazebo/model'
require 'syskit_basics/models/compositions/joint_position_constant_generator'

module SyskitBasics
    module Compositions
        class JointPositionConstantControl < Syskit::Composition
            # The setpoint as a 'joint_name' => position_in_radians hash
            argument :setpoint

            add CommonModels::Devices::Gazebo::Model, as: 'arm'
            add(JointPositionConstantGenerator, as: 'command').
                with_arguments(setpoint: from(:parent_task).setpoint)

            command_child.out_port.connect_to \

And modify the test:

require 'syskit_basics/models/compositions/joint_position_constant_control'

module SyskitBasics
    module Compositions
        describe JointPositionConstantControl do
            it "forwards its setpoint argument to the constant generator" do
                cmp_task = syskit_stub_deploy_configure_and_start(
                        with_arguments(setpoint: Hash['j0' => 10]))
                assert_equal Hash['j0' => 10], cmp_task.command_child.setpoint

Next: We can now map the composition's arm child to the arm within the simulation. Let's do a detour to device models to then finally run our network