Backward Compatible Naming

Old Behavior


  • action interfaces are expected to be in models/planners/
  • Syskit compositions are expected to be in models/blueprints/

Note that Syskit does not auto-load model files anymore - and it has been like this for years. For systems that have not explicitly set to true, this behavior is transparent (it is a convention that is not affecting Syskit's behavior in any way).

Main action interface

The toplevel action interface, the one that the system is using to resolve call to both the Robot object and remote interfaces, is registered at toplevel as Main. This is the interface that gets set up from the Robot.actions block

OroGen and Typelib models

Historically, both oroGen and Typelib models (component and type description) were exported as constants (as all classes in Ruby are, it seemed to be a good behavior). Because constants in Ruby have required to all be named in CamelCase, this involved translating the oroGen project name (or C++ type namespaces) from snake_case to CamelCase.

For instance, the video_streamer_webrtc::StreamerTask component was made available as OroGen::VideoStreamerWebrtc::StreamerTask class. Rock's base::samples::RigidBodyState was available as Types::Base::Samples::RigidBodyState

OroGen extension files were using Ruby's "monkey patching" to allow extending the component models at loading time. For instance, the video streamer model would be extended with:

class OroGen::VideoStreamerWebrtc::StreamerTask

New Behavior


  • action interfaces are expected to be in models/actions/
  • Syskit compositions are expected to be in models/compositions/

Note that Syskit does not auto-load model files anymore - and it has been like this for years. For systems that have not explicitly set to true, this behavior is transparent (it is a convention that is not affecting Syskit's behavior in any way).

Main action interface

The toplevel action interface, the one that the system is using to resolve call to both the Robot object and remote interfaces, is registered under the Actions namespace, as Actions::Main. This is the interface that gets set up from the Robot.actions block

OroGen and Typelib models

Classes in Ruby are objects, and as such can be returned by methods. We now use this to allow a more natural mapping from the namespaces to method names.

OroGen models are to be resolved from the OroGen namespace like this: OrGen.video_streamer_webrtc.StreamerTask. Types from the Types namespace: Types.base.samples.RigidBodyState

OroGen models must be extended using the Syskit.extend_model call as documented in the component development section:

Syskit.extend_model OroGen.video_streamer_webrtc.StreamerTask do

New/old behavior: control and migration

The new behavior is automatically available. The old behavior is retained by default. To disable, set to false in either config/init.rb or in a robot config's init block.

To make sure you have converted all your models and scripts, the simplest is to grep for the Main, OroGen:: and Types:: patterns in the source code and convert all matches.

Note that the flag is global. Dependent syskit bundles must have migrated before you can turn off backward_compatible_naming yourself.

As noted in the respective sections, the change in folder structure is a convention, unless you have only_load_models set to true. Nonetheless, we recommend changing the folder (and namespace) for consistency reasons.