HTTP API of a Syskit-based System

One way to create an external interface with a Syskit-based system is through a HTTP API. This is not a HTTP API that is generic and allow to automatically access Syskit and rock primitives such as ports or actions. The objective is to create a well-defined, system-specific interface that common UI development tools can easily hit (e.g. web frontend).

The rest of this page will describe the overall structure and the various techniques related to this objective.

Overall Structure

The central idea is to provide a HTTP server inside the Syskit process, which naturally has access to the Syskit APIs to control and monitor the system. To make it practical, however, we have to split the implementation of this HTTP API in different bits and pieces.

For the HTTP API itself, we will use Grape, which provides a declarative way to create a HTTP API. Roby provides an integration of Grape with the thin web server to get the Grape API available.

Usually, the main Grape class will be created in lib/syskit_basics/rest/api.rb. Roby task that manages the HTTP server is called Tasks::REST and the corresponding action http_api. Assuming we are within the SyskitBasics application of the tutorials, let's implement those now.

Create lib/syskit_basics/rest/api.rb and fill it with

# frozen_string_literal: true

require "roby/interface/rest/api"
require "roby/interface/rest/helpers"

module SyskitBasics
    module REST
        class API < Grape::API
            format :json

            mount Roby::Interface::REST::API
            helpers Roby::Interface::REST::Helpers

Now, create the rest task with syskit gen task http_api and modify it to fit:

# frozen_string_literal: true

require "syskit_basics/rest/api"

module SyskitBasics
    module Tasks
        class HTTP_API < Roby::Interface::REST::Task

            def rest_api

And finally create the action interface with syskit gen act http_api, and define the action within:

describe("start the HTTP API")
    .required_arg("port", "the port on which the HTTP API should listen")
def http_api(port:) "/", port: port)

You can then add the interface to the actions block and Robot.http_api!(port: 5_000) in the controller block within config/robots/gazebo.rb. You can check the API is alive using some browser extension Rested to call the /ping endpoint (which is part of Roby::Interface::REST::API)

Implementing the endpoints in the Grape class

There are a few rules regarding the interaction with the Syskit system from the Grape class. For starters, the two run in different threads so any access with Syskit data structures must be synchronized. Second of all, Grape does not provide a way to store data between different calls of the endpoints (i.e. there is no way built-in grape to have one call to one endpoint save a value so that )

Synchronization between Syskit and Grape

The roby REST helpers provide accessors to the internal Syskit data structures. This access must always be synchronized by calling them inside a roby_execute block:

get "/some/stuff" do
    roby_execute do
        # Interact with Syskit

Moreover, any data that is taken out of Syskit must be copied before getting out of the roby_execute block.

roby_execute actually blocks Syskit. You must not do anything that blocks for a long time in there, or your system will become unresponsive.

Storing data in the Grape endpoints

Grape does not provide a way to store data between different calls of the endpoints (i.e. there is no way built-in grape to have one call to one endpoint save a value so that another call to an endpoint - the same or different - picks it up).

The helpers provide roby_storage. This is a hash whose value will be kept across calls. You may use it to store information / data / configuration parameters and have it available across all endpoints. roby_storage may be initialized within the initial Roby task (SyskitBasics::Tasks::HTTP_API in our example application):

module SyskitBasics
    module Tasks
        class HTTP_API < Roby::Interface::REST::Task

            # ID to be made available to the caller
            argument :system_id

            def rest_server_args
                    storage: {
                        system_id: system_id

            def rest_api

Since we are using thin, the different endpoints never run in parallel and there is no need to synchronize the access to roby_storage

Be careful with roby_storage. Never store information in it that is already available within the Syskit plan, or you will more surely end up having a disconnection between the data you return to your clients and the actual state of the system. Use it for configuration parameters, or for data that is directly relevant to the API itself without being available within the Syskit system.

Common Operations

Reading data streams

The fact that Grape objects are short-lived - essentially living the time of a single HTTP call - reading and managing state within them is tricky. Managing the data readers themselves would already be a challenge. For this reason, we usually delegate the aggregation of data relevant to the HTTP API into one or more compositions, e.g. a HTTPStateMonitoring composition.

Data readers with port queries

However, we do not use the standard composition-child relationship to refer to the data sources. Indeed, using this strong relationship would make Syskit terminate the state monitoring composition every time a single data source fails, something that is obviously not desired.

Instead, we use a different mode of the data readers and writers. Instead of providing composition children, these writers may be given plan queries. That is, objects that are used to find ports within Syskit's plan, and provide readers on them when they are available, letting the composition know when they are not available.

In practice, the most common query is to provide a data service and its port. This query will match with any task that provides the data service, and will bind to its port.

If there is more than one match, it will pick the first one.

For instance,

data_reader CommonModels::Services::Pose.match.pose_samples_port, as: "pose"

will create a reader on the pose_samples port of any pose provider in the system. One usually wants to refine the query. Two very common predicates are with_arguments to match arguments, and mission to check if the task is marked as mission (has been started as a toplevel action, see below the Managing missions section). For instance:

data_reader CommonModels::Services::Pose
            .with_arguments(source: "gps").pose_samples_port,
            as: "pose"

See Roby::Queries::Query API for a full list of predicates.

To disambiguate sources, when more than one provide the service you use to identify them, you may:

  1. create a "source selection" composition whose sole purpose is to "mark" the data source. This composition would export the relevant port(s), and you would use the composition model in the data reader match object.
  2. create a new service for this purpose and make sure the task/composition you are targetting provide it.
  3. directly use the task model of the task that implement the source (not recommended)

Example state monitoring composition implementation

Assuming we only want to read the pose source we defined above (the simplest version), the

module SyskitBasics
    module Compositions
        class HTTPStateMonitoring < Syskit::Composition
            data_reader CommonModels::Services::Pose
                        .match.pose_samples_port, as: "pose"

            # @return [Hash] the state to be returned from the HTTP endpoint
            #   as a hash
            attr_reader :json

            def initialize(**)

                # Data formatted to be ready to send to our caller
                @json = {}

            poll do
                # VERY important. This will update the readers

                if (p = pose_reader.read_new)
                    # Update @json
                    @json["position"] = { x: p.position.x, y: p.position.y }
                elsif !pose_reader.connected?
                    # No pose provider available

Accessing the state monitoring composition from a Grape endpoint

Within the endpoint, you have to do two things: find the HTTPStateMonitoring task and then return the JSON document

While the second part is rather trivial, the first part requires using plan queries, akin to the port queries we have just seen to define the readers. Plan#find_tasks will allow us to find a running state monitoring task using a query and then we can access its json data.

get "/state" do
    roby_execute do
        monitoring_task =
        monitoring_task&.json || {}

Final word

Once more, the objective of this HTTP API is to provide a well-defined interface to a complex system, not a generic "read whatever you want" type of debug interface. Use the Syskit IDE and other Rock tools (e.g. vizkit) for the latter.

Controlling the System

What we have just seen is how to read data streams. Now, we will most definitely want to also control the system through the same means (e.g. PUT or POST endpoints). This section will outline how that is done.

First, within a Syskit system, a list of tasks are specially markes as "missions". Syskit considers these tasks to represent the objective of the system, and uses it as its basis to decide what to run. I recommend you (re-)read this part of the documentation if this concept is not familiar to you

Modifying what runs

Essentially "controlling the system" at the level of the HTTP API works with adding and removing missions. This is what we are going to learn about right now.

Let's assume, to simplify, that the system only has one "user-provided" mission at any given time. He would have auxiliary services, which also run as missions from Syskit's perspective, but only one of these is the mission set externally by the HTTP API. Let's create a task service to mark these missions and make them discoverable:

# frozen_string_literal: true
# Created by syskit gen task-srv mission

module SyskitBasics
    module Services
        task_service "Mission"

From now on, the toplevel task of the missions that you want to be able to manipulate from the HTTP API will have to have provides Services::Mission in its declaration. These must be toplevel tasks - that is, they are used to represent the action itself, and are the return type of the action. In the case of profile definitions, this is the type of the definition. In the case of other actions (e.g. action methods or action state machines it has to be declared as the return type with

describe("the action documentation")

From this point on, the endpoint that will change the mission has two jobs: finding the current mission, ensuring it is available for garbage collection and then spawn the new mission.

# find the current mission
roby_execute do
    # Find the single task that provides the mission service, and that is also
    # marked as mission
    mission_task = roby_plan.find_tasks(SyskitBasics::Services::Mission).mission.first
    # Make sure it is available for garbage collection
    roby_plan.make_useless(mission_task) if mission_task
    # And create the new mission
    Robot.send("#{new_mission_name}!", **new_mission_args)

The core concepts here are: - the mission flag - the find_tasks API. Note that if more than one action of a given type are meant to be running, you can filter with arguments or other services to disambiguate.

The corresponding GET endpoint, which would allow to inspect what mission is running would use the find_tasks to get the task and then return the value:

roby_execute do
    mission_task = roby_plan.find_tasks(SyskitBasics::Services::Mission).mission.first
    return {} unless mission_task

        id: mission_task.mission_id,
        # fill the hash according to your API

Dynamically changing configuration

The technique above may be used to change the configuration of some running services. If everywhere in the system you rely on default arguments for a action or definition, then starting the same action/definition "on the side" with specific arguments will take precedence, that is, in the robot controller:

# We assume that some_action! uses for instance a gps_dev! with default arguments only
# Start gps_dev! with specific arguments. The gps_dev of some_action will pick them up
Robot.gps_dev! origin: [22, -3]

However, this becomes tedious quickly, especially if some parameter value need to be propagated across different subnets. The alternative technique is to use Syskit's global Conf object, passing argument values with the from_conf helper.

In the example above, in our system-specific profiles, we would inject gps_dev in some_action with with_arguments(origin: Roby.from_conf.global_localization_origin). This makes Syskit pick up the actual value at deployment time (and every time there is a deployment). We will be able to change the value and trigger a deployment to propagate it.

First, in the Robot.init block we initialize the value

Conf.global_localization_origin = [0, 2]

Finally, in an endpoint we can do

roby_execute do
    Conf.global_localization_origin = options[:origin]
    Syskit::Runtime.apply_requirement_modifications(roby_plan, force: true)