
In the system modelling, compositions are what bind components together: they define, for a specific task, behaviour or subsystem (depending from which side of robotics you come from), what components are needed and how these components should be connected together to perform the required function.


Compositions are classed, defined with

class ModelName < Syskit::Composition

Naming Convention compositions are by convention defined in the AppName::Compositions module, and are saved in models/compositions/name_of_composition.rb. For instance, a Localization::GlobalPoseEstimator composition in the CommonModels bundle would be saved in models/compositions/localization/global_pose_estimator.rb and the full class name would be CommonModels::Compositions::Localization::GlobalPoseEstimator.

Generation A template for a new composition as well as its related unit tests, following Syskit's naming conventions and file system structure, can be generated with

syskit gen cmp namespace/name_of_composition

for instance

syskit gen cmp localization/global_pose_estimator

Building the Compositions' Network

The main statements in a composition are add and connect. From the basics chapter:

module SyskitBasics
  module Compositions
    class ArmCartesianControlWdls < Syskit::Composition
      add OroGen.cart_ctrl_wdls.WDLSSolver, as: 'twist2joint_velocity'
      add OroGen.cart_ctrl_wdls.CartCtrl, as: 'position2twist'
      add CommonModels::Devices::Gazebo::Model, as: 'arm'

The add statement adds a child to the composition's network. Once defined, children are referred to with the ${child_name}_child syntax, as e.g. position2twist_child. A child's port is by calling ${port_name}_port on the child. Children need to be given a name (which should reflect the child's role). Obviously, these children need to be connected together. This is done with connect_to:

module SyskitBasics
  module Compositions
    class ArmCartesianControlWdls < Syskit::Composition
      add OroGen.cart_ctrl_wdls.WDLSSolver, as: 'twist2joint_velocity'
      add OroGen.cart_ctrl_wdls.CartCtrl, as: 'position2twist'
      add CommonModels::Devices::Gazebo::Model, as: 'arm'

        connect_to twist2joint_velocity_child.desired_twist_port
        connect_to arm_child.joints_cmd_port

Note models used within the composition need to be loaded at the toplevel of the composition file, before the composition definition. orogen models with the using_task_library statement, other models by require'ing the file that defines it.

Modifiers on the children have to be added to the return value of the add statement. The with_conf statement for components for instance would be added like this:

add(OroGen.cart_ctrl_wdls.WDLSSolver, as: 'twist2joint_velocity').
  with_conf('default', 'high_velocity')

The result of this composition definition can be checked graphically using the syskit ide:

syskit ide models/compositions/arm_cartesian_control_wdls.rb

Exporting ports on Compositions

Within the networks of a Syskit system, compositions can be used whenever a Rock component is. This is made possible by the ability to give ports to compositions.

However, since compositions are not "active components", but only combination of other components, these ports are actually ports that come from the composition's children. This is done by exporting a child's port onto the composition interface. The following snippet creates a port named command onto the composition, that is in fact the position2twist's port of the same name:

export position2twist_child.command_port

If desired, the composition port may have a different name than the component port using the as: argument:

export position2twist_child.command_port,
  as: 'position_command`

In the IDE, an exported port is shown on the composition interface, and linked to the composition's child port that defines it.

TODO: add figure

Note since compositions can be used as composition children, a composition's exported port can be itself exported in a parent compositions, and so on and so forth.


In the same way than compositions do not really have ports, but only "export" the ports of its children, compositions do not have configurations by themselves. Instead, configurations are defined as a list of configurations for the children.

For instance:

module SyskitBasics
  module Compositions
    class ArmCartesianControlWdls < Syskit::Composition
      add OroGen.cart_ctrl_wdls.WDLSSolver, as: 'twist2joint_velocity'
      conf 'high_speed',
        twist2joint_velocity_child => ['default', 'high_sampling_rate']

Unlike what is possible with task contexts, one cannot "merge" configurations on top of each other (i.e. only one configuration can be selected at a time). Moreover, the configuration names are not verified at declaration time.

Subclassing Compositions

Compositions can subclass each other, in which case they of course inherit their children, exported ports and connections. This is done by subclassing the composition model class instead of Syskit::Composition, e.g.

class Root < Syskit::Composition
class Submodel < Root

At this stage of the chapter, this would be only useful to create a "core" network that is refined in subclasses. We will see momentarily that it has also its usefulness in the reusable networks and later in building coordination code

We will also talk more about compositions when we get into the reusable networks section. The rest of this section will deal with common implementation patterns related to compositions. You may want to skim through it quickly at first read, and come back to it later. The next subject is Profiles

Common Patterns

Forwarding Arguments from Composition to Children

This is the pattern we have seen and used in the basics section. The goal is to allow for arguments on the composition to be passed to its children. The general mechanism is to pass from(:parent_task).name_of_argument in place of the actual argument. This can only be used for a whole argument. It cannot be used as e.g. a value in a hash or array.

For instance (from the Basics chapter):

module SyskitBasics
  module Compositions
    class ArmCartesianConstantControlWdls < Syskit::Composition
      argument :setpoint

      add(ArmCartesianConstantCommandGenerator, as: 'command').
        with_arguments(setpoint: from(:parent_task).setpoint)

A component's configuration, specified with the with_conf specifier, is really only syntactic sugar on top of the with_arguments call. One can therefore pass configuration from parent to child: add(...).with_arguments(conf: from(:parent_task).conf).

Handling Single-short Ports

Rock's defaults are tuned for components that continuously generate and process data. Some components, for instance task or motion planning components, are sometimes implemented as one short. That is, the component will rarely generate a sample.

The problem with the integration of such components is that one would need to ensure that port-to-port connections are established, and that receiving components are ready to read the data 1, before letting the source generate the data. It would be a lot of synchronization burden.

Instead, one tells the framework to remember the last written sample, and push this sample through new connections once they are established. To use this method, one must declare that the last written value on a port should be kept. Change the output port definition to read

output_port('trajectory', '/base/Trajectory')

Then, in the composition's connect_to statements, add init: true. An init: true connection without the keep_last_written_value will have no effect, and will currently do so silently.

    .connect_to controller_child.trajectory_port, init: true

This is all the basics about compositions. We will come back to it once we talk about reusing networks. But first, the next subject is Profiles

  1. This is because components clear their connections on start More…