
So far, in the Syskit basics tutorials as well as in the network design section, we have mainly seen static networks. That is, we have learned how to create networks and only manually transition between them.

We have been using the name of the profile definitions to instruct the Syskit controller to start a network, adding some arguments when needed.

This interface - defining "things to be executed" and telling Syskit to run them using their names - is Syskit's action interface. Profile definitions, that is component networks, are only one way to define them. They can be defined in other ways, and can be combined to form more complex behaviors.

This section will cover all that you need to know about creating actions. You should read the runtime overview section first, as many concepts introduced there will be needed here. The section will repeat them, but …

The first parts in this section will be covering the basics of how to create actions: actions, event, action methods and action state machines.

  1. we will first describe the actions in general within how they can be used, what happens when they are activated and dropped. This will use the example of profile definitions (when used as actions) as an action example, but will be applicable to all.

  2. at this point, it will become important to understand tasks and events, which are the basic primitives used to coordinate actions with each other (and, also, track an action's progress). We will cover how tasks can emit events, and the primitives that are on offer to create "active" Syskit tasks that transform component-level information (e.g. data streams) into events, to make the information available for coordination.

  3. a second way to create actions, after the profile-generated actions, is action methods. In action methods, the action calls code to create the task(s) and task structure that will be executed. This is thus more dynamic than profile definitions, and allows to combine pure tasks and definitions to dynamically generate arguments, inject different subnets or pick definitions based on the context. This part will also briefly cover the notion of task dependencies.

  4. profile-based actions and method actions can be combined into more complex temporal structures through action state machines

  5. finally, we will explain how Syskit is architectured to allow for the integration of a higher level of control, and how this level of control can manage the Syskit system, either autonomously or in behalf of an operator. The main purpose of this section is to detail the tools and concepts needed for this. More details for specific use-cases will be detailed in the cookbook

We will get through a first recap of what we've seen so far, to then go on into a lot more details, covering:

  1. How events are propagated, including how you can control how things are scheduled by Syskit

  2. designing e.g. compositions to ensure that events are defined "at the proper level", thus creating reusable abstractions.

  3. how rock-based component networks fit into all of this, including a detailed presentation of how Syskit resolves multiple networks together and transitions temporally between a changing list of instanciated component-based actions.

We will finally have a final recap of the whole section, including links to pages in the cookbook that are relevant to coordination of a Syskit system.