The result of this tutorial can be found in bundles/tutorials if you followed the instructions at the bottom of this page. While the tip of the master branch contains the accumulated result of all the tutorials, you can get the specific result of this one by checking out the bundle-file-structure tag with
git checkout bundle-file-structure
All these tutorials were dealing with “everything in a file”. We felt that it was a better way to understand how everything fits together.
However, as we saw in the leader-follower tutorial, we want to be able to share and reuse the models and definitions. Moreover, having everything in a single file obviously does not scale very well.
This page will simply introduce where all the bits and pieces are stored in a given bundle, as well as additional concepts that were not introduced in the tutorials.
When starting from a given bundle, the Syskit application will automatically load all model files contained in said bundle. Therefore, when creating scripts in scripts/, all the models defined in models/ are available. The modifications described in this page will therefore break the scripts which you have developed in the previous tutorial sections (there will be duplicate definitions). For this reason, the result of the modifications described on this page are contained in a different package than the one in which the script-based tutorials ( the ones we just did) are stored. You will find them in bundles/tutorials (instead of bundles/tutorials_scripts).
Data services and compositions are defined in models/blueprints. They must:
- require any other bundle file they need (as e.g. to get definitions for other compositions and/or data services)
- use import_types_from ‘typekit’ to get the type definitions for the types it needs (in data service definitions). The name of the typekit can be obtained with rock-inspect (the “defined in XXX” line) or on the type page of either the website or in rock-browse.
- use using_task_library ‘project ‘ for the task contexts. The project name is in oroGen the same than the task context namespace (e.g. ‘motor_controller’ for ‘motor_controller::Task’)
The file name should by convention be the name of the model defined and the namespace the same than the bundle name (the rock bundle is an exception here, as it defines common models for all packages in Rock).
For instance, the scripts/04_leader_follower.rb script would be split into:
import_types_from 'base'
module Tutorials
data_service_type 'CommandGeneratorSrv' do
output_port 'cmd', '/base/MotionCommand2D'
require 'rock/models/blueprints/pose'
require 'models/blueprints/command_generator_srv'
using_task_library 'rock_tutorial'
module Tutorials
class RockControl < Syskit::Composition
add CommandGeneratorSrv, :as => "cmd"
add RockTutorial::RockTutorialControl, :as => "rock"
cmd_child.connect_to rock_child
conf 'slow',
cmd_child => ['default', 'slow']
export rock_child.pose_samples_port
provides Base::PoseSrv, :as => 'pose'
Task Context Modelling
The main models for the task contexts are automatically generated by Syskit based on the oroGen description. What we did in these tutorials was “extending” these models, most often to declare that they provide some data service.
These extensions are declared in files in models/orogen/, where file names must be the name of the corresponding oroGen project. These files are loaded automatically whenever the corresponding oroGen project is. As for with files in models/blueprints, the relevant data services must be explicitely required in these files. No need to use import_types_from and/or using_task_library: the relevant typekits and type libraries are already loaded.
The provides lines in scripts/04_leader_follower.rb would therefore be split into four files:
require 'models/blueprints/command_generator_srv'
Controldev::JoystickTask.provides Tutorials::CommandGeneratorSrv, :as => 'cmd'
require 'models/blueprints/command_generator_srv'
TutBrownian::Task.provides Tutorials::CommandGeneratorSrv, :as => 'cmd'
require 'models/blueprints/command_generator_srv'
TutFollower::Task.provides Tutorials::CommandGeneratorSrv, :as => 'cmd'
A specialization can either be given along with the specialized composition or within the relevant oroGen extension file (in config/orogen). There is currently no clear winner when considering discoverability or reusability.
Let’s assume we put it with the composition. Modify models/blueprints/rock_control.rb so that the end of the RockControl class definition looks like:
module Tutorials
class RockControl < Syskit::Composition
specialize cmd_child => TutFollower::Task do
add Base::PoseSrv, :as => "target_pose"
add TutSensor::Task, :as => 'sensor'
target_pose_child.connect_to sensor_child.target_frame_port
rock_child.connect_to sensor_child.local_frame_port
sensor_child.connect_to cmd_child
Since this specialization refers to TutFollower::Task and TutSensor::Task, you will also have to add
using_task_library 'tut_follower'
using_task_library 'tut_sensor'
at the top of the file
Definitions are declared in profiles, Profiles are set of predefined actions that can be injected in relevant Syskit applications by ‘using’ them in an action interface.
The profile is defined within a namespace that matches the bundle name, in models/profiles/. The file name should be the name of the profile.
require 'models/blueprints/rock_control'
using_task_library 'controldev'
using_task_library 'tut_brownian'
using_task_library 'tut_follower'
module Tutorials
profile 'Rocks' do
define 'joystick', Tutorials::RockControl.use(Controldev::JoystickTask)
define 'random', Tutorials::RockControl.use(TutBrownian::Task)
define 'random_slow', Tutorials::RockControl.use(TutBrownian::Task.with_conf('default', 'slow'))
define 'random_slow2', Tutorials::RockControl.use(TutBrownian::Task).with_conf('slow')
define 'leader',
define 'follower',
Tutorials::RockControl.use(TutFollower::Task, leader_def).
The ‘main’ action interface is already defined in models/actions/main.rb. You simply have to declare that you want to use the new profile:
require 'models/profiles/rocks'
class Main < Roby::Actions::Interface
use_profile Tutorials::Rocks
Finally, deployments are ‘used’ in the robot’s config file or in config/init.rb. When it is in init.rb, it must be done after the ‘syskit’ line.
First, let’s add a ‘tut’ robot
# syskit add-robot tut
And edit its main configuration file:
Syskit.conf.use_deployments_from 'tut_deployment'
You can finally use syskit run
, syskit browse
and syskit instanciate
. Note the syskit
does not need any arguments, while the other two need you to specify
a -rtut
argument, to tell roby that you want the ‘tut’ configuration to
be loaded:
syskit run -rtut follower!
Reusing other Bundles
In order to not have to re-model everything each time you create a new application, models can be shared across bundles. This is done by adding a dependency from a bundle to another.
In our case, we will reuse the models that come with Rock’s core bundle, bundles/rock. Edit config/bundle.yml (the file we previously deleted and add
- rock
(note, this is the default content in all new bundles)
Run syskit browse
(and ignore the error in skid4_control.rb, we’ll fix that in
the next tutorial). If you look into the producers of
Types::Base::MotionCommand2D, you will find Base::Motion2DControllerSrv. Which
fits our components (we generate control commands of type Motion2D).
We should therefore reuse this service instead of defining our own.
Delete models/blueprints/command_generator_srv.rb, and replace all occurences of
require 'models/blueprints/command_generator_srv'
by (as reported by syskit browse
require 'rock/models/blueprints/control'
as well as all occurences of
Tutorials::CommandGeneratorSrv (or plain CommandGeneratorSrv, depending)
The next necessary step, in order to have a new completely functional bundle again, is to have a look at devices. This is the subject of the next tutorial