The result of this tutorial can be found in bundles/tutorials if you followed the instructions at the bottom of this page. While the tip of the master branch contains the accumulated result of all the tutorials, you can get the specific result of this one by checking out the action_state_machine tag with
git checkout action_state_machine
So far, we have seen how to define and compose network of components. The rest of the tutorials will guide through the process of coordinating them, i.e. how to make the system switch between them when some conditions are reached, thus creating temporal combinations of behaviours.
This tutorial will guide you through:
- how to combine the network configurations created in profiles into more complex behaviours by using state machines
- how these state machines can then be combined with each other
The action state machines presented in this tutorial are not specific to Syskit, but are available to any Roby action. You may want to also read the Roby documentation for more information about them. However, Syskit does extend these state machines to give some Syskit-specific functionality.
Defining State Machines
In the previous tutorials, we have mainly built two behaviours for our rocks:
- one random movement behaviour
- one target-following behaviour
Let’s now assume that we want a rock to move randomly, but stay confined in a certain area around the origin. This can be achieved with what we currently have:
- if within the area, move randomly
- if on the border, go back to origin
The ‘go back to origin’ behaviour being obviously ‘follow the origin frame’. Let’s define it first generically:
define 'to_origin', Tutorials::RockFollower.
use(TutFollower::Task, TutSensor::TransformerTask).
use_frames('target' => 'world', 'world' => 'world')
Such a switch between behaviours can classically be represented by a state machine. This is one mean to express such combination of behaviours in Syskit as well. We will see how to write such a state machine now.
Action state machines are defined on action interfaces. We have already seen those as the place for the use_profile statements. Let’s now add our state machine to it (in our case models/actions/tut-transformer/main.rb).
class Main < Actions::Interface
use_profile Tutorials::RockWithTransformer
describe 'move randomly as long as in a 10 meter square \
around origin, move back to origin when passing the border'
action_state_machine 'fenced_random_move' do
# We need to call #state to transform an action / definition
# into a proper state
random = state random_def
origin = state to_origin_def.use(rock1_dev)
# We start by moving randomly
start random
# We transition each time the rock passes the fence
transition ???, origin
# And transition back when we reach the origin
transition ???, random
Notice above that there are two “???” placeholders in the two transition statements. We have to specify transitions, but how ?
Since we are under Roby, the transitions are obviously going to be caused by Roby events. However, there is still the issue of defining them.
One constraint is that we should not modify the behaviours to be modified to account for this very particular combination of them (we want them to be reusable, therefore free of this very specific use case), we’ll define two monitoring networks. One will check whether the rock passes the fence and the other whether it is within its target pose.
Let’s create the fence monitor first in models/blueprints/fence_monitor.rb
require 'rock/models/blueprints/pose'
module Tutorials
# Given a position provider, checks whether this position crosses a specified
# boundary around the origin
class FenceMonitor < Syskit::Composition
# The size of the allowed square
argument :fence_size, :default => 10
# Emitted when the tracked pose passes the required fence towards the
# outside
event :passed_fence_outwards
# The position provider that we will be monitoring
add Base::PositionSrv, :as => 'position'
# Tests if the given position is within the fence
# @param [Types::Base::Position] the position
# @return [Boolean]
def in_fence?(p)
p.x.abs < fence_size && p.y.abs < fence_size
# This script context allows us to have a proper access to ports in
# children. A raw Roby poll block would be possible, but would require that
# we know the type of the final position component.
script do
# Get a reader object that allows us to read the position
position_r = position_child.position_samples_port.reader
# The block given to #poll is executed once per Roby execution cycle
# (usually once per 100ms)
poll do
# If we have a position
if p = position_r.read_new
# p is a RigidBodyState, we only need the position part of it
p = p.position
# Initialize @last_p if it is not initialized yet
@last_p ||= p
# If we cross the border, emit the event
if in_fence?(@last_p) && !in_fence?(p)
@last_p = p
Then, the target reached monitor in models/blueprints/position_within_threshold_monitor.rb
require 'rock/models/blueprints/pose'
module Tutorials
# Composition that checks whether a position is within a certain threshold
# from a target
class PositionWithinThresholdMonitor < Syskit::Composition
# The target pose, as Types::Base::Position
argument :target
# The target threshold
argument :threshold, :default => 1
# Emitted when the tracked pose is within threshold of the target
event :reached
# The position provider we are monitoring
add Base::PositionSrv, :as => 'position'
# Tests if the given position is within threshold of the target
# @param [Types::Base::Position] the position
# @return [Boolean]
def in_threshold?(p)
(p - target).norm < threshold
# A script context. This allows us to have a proper access to ports in
# children. A raw Roby poll block would be possible, but would require that
# we know the type of the final position component.
script do
# Get a data reader on the position provider
position_r = position_child.position_samples_port.reader
# The block given to #poll is executed once per Roby execution cycle
# (usually once per 100ms)
poll do
# Emit if we have a position and it is within threshold
if (p = position_r.read_new) && in_threshold?(p.position)
Let’s now integrate the monitors in our state machine:
describe('move randomly as long as in a 10 meter square around origin, move back
to origin when passing the border')
action_state_machine 'fenced_random_move' do
# We need to call #state to transform an action / definition into a proper
# state
random = state random_def
# 'task' is used for tasks that are not used as states
fence_monitor = task Tutorials::FenceMonitor.use(rock1_dev)
# We need this monitor only in the random state
random.depends_on fence_monitor
origin = state to_origin_def.use(rock1_dev)
# 'task' is used for tasks that are not used as states
target_monitor = task Tutorials::PositionWithinThresholdMonitor.
use(rock1_dev).with_arguments('target' =>, 0, 0))
# We need this monitor only in the origin state
origin.depends_on target_monitor
# We start by moving randomly
start random
# We transition each time the rock passes the fence
transition random, fence_monitor.passed_fence_outwards_event, origin
# And transition back when we reach the origin
transition origin, target_monitor.reached_event, random
Runtime Behaviour
You can now start the state machine with
syskit run -rtut-transformer fenced_random_move!
and visualize the resulting behaviour using roby-display (for the Syskit part) and rock-display (for the components)
Combining State Machines
When one creates a state machine, it becomes an action. It can therefore be used in another state machine (and so on, and so forth), as for instance:
describe "combining state machines"
action_state_machine 'main' do
movement = state fenced_random_move
# Use a hypothetical go_and_recharge action which can be any Roby action
# (Syskit network, state machine, ...)
recharge = state go_and_recharge
# And monitor the battery using a Syskit definition
battery_monitor = state battery_monitor_def
start movement
movement.depends_on battery_monitor
transition movement, battery_monitor.battery_low_event, recharge
transition recharge, recharge.success_event, movement
This tutorial has shown you how:
- combine the networks defined in the Syskit profiles as states in a state machine, thus allowing to combine them in a temporal way
- define separate monitoring networks, and use them to trigger the transition
- how state machines can then become part of bigger state machines
These action state machines are great to define the nominal operations of a robot, i.e. its mission (or parts of it). However, they would become very cumbersome to handle errors, or thing that can happen from any state. One cannot add transitions from any state to the error handlers.
The next tutorial will deal with a refinement of the monitors we have manually defined here, introducing data monitors that allow to generate errors when patterns are found in the data. Then, we will see how to handle these errors in a graceful way.