
the Robot Construction Kit

Robot Configurations

It is very common for a bunch of robots to share the same, but not exactly the same hardware and general functionality. In some cases, you will want to factor the common parts out into a separate bundle, while in other cases you would prefer working inside the same general file layout.

In Syskit, having different setups within the same bundle is achieved by defining different robots.

A new robot is created with

syskit gen robot ROBOT_NAME

it is for instance very common to have a live robot and a simulated one:

syskit gen robot flatfish-live
syskit gen robot flatfish-gazebo

When one starts to use robots, the robot configuration file in config/robots/ (e.g. config/robots/flatfish-live.rb) becomes the entry point for Syskit’s loading mechanisms.

Most (if not all) of Syskit command line accepts a -r option as e.g.

syskit run -rflatfish-live -c


syskit browse -rflatfish-live

In the robot configuration templates, you can see a bunch of calls to methods on Robot, each given a block. The rest of this page will introduce you to each and every one of them.

Robot.init:: there, one should add code that sets up things required for the loading itself, such as plugin activation or enabling/disabling of backward compatibility options. The config/init.rb file can be used for the same purpose if you want code that would be common to all robots. Robot.requires:: loads the model files for this system. Tailoring the requires to what this system needs has two positive effects: it reduces loading time, and reduces the amount of dependencies on oroGen tasks the robot has (as any using_task_library statement effectively requires the task library to be present for the file to load). The template calls which loads the toplevel files in models/ (e.g. models/compositions.rb, …) Robot.config:: sets up configuration parameters Robot.controller:: block of code executed just after the Syskit application finished starting up. This is usually where one starts permanent actions. Robot.actions:: set up of the main action interface. It is highly recommended to NOT define actions there, but to only import action interfaces with the use and use_profile statements.

Converting “old-style” robot configurations Any robot-specific content in config/init.rb should go in Robot.init. The content of config/ROBOT.rb should be split between requires and config. The content of scripts/controllers/ROBOT.rb obviously goes in the controller blocks, and the Main action classes are now setup through the actions block