- Basics
- Advanced
- Managing Systems
- Setting up a New Project
- Setting up the build system
- Add build system to git
- Bundles in Rock
- Configuration files for tasks
- Configuring the transformer
- Base Types
- Build System
- Developing Components
- Running Components
- System Management
- Data Analysis
- Graphical User Interface
- Simulating a Robot
Additional Core Functionality
Configuration files for tasks
rock-browse or rock-inspect can help you to find existing tasks you might want to include in your bundle. For example, try rock_inspect -t camera to get a list of all available tasks associated with “camera”.
The tasks you include into your bundle are configured using a YAML file. To create a new configuration file, do:
oroconf extract taskname::Task
The new template file is generated in the config/orogen subfolder of the bundle, with a file name that matches the oroGen model name (here, config/orogen/taskname::Task.yml)