
the Robot Construction Kit

Package Structure

Below, oroGen refers to the tool that is used in Rock to develop components


The Rock packages are organized into categories:

  • base base types, CMake script repositories, …
  • bundles bundle * packages
  • control packages that are related to motion control
  • data_processing packages that are related to general data processing (e.g. neural network, filtering, …)
  • drivers packages that are related to device drivers: drivers themselves, and common libraries that ease their development
  • gui GUI and visualization packages
  • image_processing packages that are related to image processing
  • multiagent packages that are related to multiagent / multirobot coordination
  • planning packages that are related to path and task planning
  • simulation packages that are related to simulation
  • slam packages that are related to localization and mapping both separately and as SLAM
  • test packages that are needed for other unit tests
  • tools packages that are related to the toolchain and/or are general utility packages
  • tutorials packages that are the result of tutorials

On github, each category has its own project, called rock-NAME (for instance, rock-drivers for the drivers). However, Rock is still in the process of migrating packages from gitorious to github, so some of the existing packages are still on gitorious. All new packages should go to github.

When installed, packages go into folders that correspond to their main category. Moreover, the oroGen-independent packages are installed directly under that folder, while the oroGen components are installed in an ‘orogen’ subfolder.

For instance, the driver libraries are stored in drivers/ and the driver oroGen components in drivers/orogen/

  • no other subdirectories other than “orogen” can be created under the main categories
  • opening new categories is indeed possible but must be discussed first on the mailing list.


  • snake_case for all path components (categories and package names)

Libraries and oroGen components

The most important design factor in the Rock package structure is that functionality should be implemented in a way that is independent from any integration framework

In practice, it means that for most functionality, there will be two Rock packages:

  • the “library” part which usually is a C++ library, that uses CMake to build, with maybe some dependencies on other C++ libraries (other Rock libraries and/or “common” libraries)
  • the “orogen” part which is providing an integrated oroGen component for the libraries.

For instance, in the rock-drivers subproject, there is the Hokuyo driver library and the corresponding oroGen component.

Mapping between local installation and github repositories

A library (non-oroGen package) installed on the local system as


will be managed in a GitHub repository called

Where GITHUB_ORGANIZATION is usually but not necessarily rock-category.

An oroGen package installed on the local system as


will be managed in a GitHub repository called

When a one-to-one mapping exists between a library and an oroGen package (e.g. the hokuyo driver library and the hokuyo oroGen component), both will have the same “package_name”. For instance, when installed


and on GitHub: