Orocos::Log::Replay is a Ruby class which eases common tasks on log files. It provides methods to access, filter and replay the data inside Ruby scripts, or into oroGen components.
Note: See also Displaying Log Files if you want to visualize the logged samples.
The Replay class provides a range of features:
- log file loading
- time synchronous replay
- step by step replay
- seeking
- user-specific log data filtering
- log file abstraction, i.e. in Ruby scripts, log files behave like instances of Orocos::TaskContext
This functionality requires the orocos.rb package to be installed, which is contained in the Rock toolchain.
See this page for a description of the mapping from the C++ types in Ruby
The replayed log files can either be specified when initializing a Orocos::Log::Replay object, or later on by using the #load method.
replay = Log::Replay.open(file0,folder0,...)
So far it is not possible to load multiple log files from the same component at the same time because of overlapping names.
After loading, the class offers an interface to log files that mimicks the Orocos::TaskContext API. This assumes that the log streams are called ‘task_name.port_name’ – which is the case if you are using the Orocos.log_all_ports setup method.
To access all streams from a particular task context, do
task1 = replay.camera
task2 = replay.task('camera')
The equivalent call for live components is Orocos.name_service.get
Then, each log stream is mapped to a port-like object:
# Accesses the data logged from the port 'frame' of the
# task 'camera'
output_port = replay.camera.frame
They are accessed through a reader or directly via the method read. The only difference between the two ways is the method ‘read’ will always return the last replayed data sample, while the behavior of the reader depends on the applied connection policy.
reader = output_port.reader :type => :data
puts reader.read #no different between both
puts output_port.read #reads
reader = output_port.reader :type => :buffer,:size => 1
puts reader.read #=> last replayed sample
puts reader.read #=> nil
puts output_port.read #=> last replayed sample
puts output_port.read #=> last replayed sample
If you wish to feed logged data into a running RTT component, you can use the normal connect_to method:
replay.camera.frame.connect_to rtt_task.frame
If you wish to transform the data before it gets fed to the task, you can specify a filtering block:
replay.camera.frame.connect_to rtt_task.frame do |sample|
# the sample gets transformed here
sample # return the modified value
Moreover, to make simple setups straightforward, the Replay class can autoconnect log streams to component ports. For each port of the target task, an equivalent port (same name and same type) is searched for in the logged data. If the name differs, a name mapping can be provided.
# performs an auto connect
replay.connect_to rtt_task
# Connects matching ports between the log data and a running
# RTT component
# When looking for matching names, 'frame' (on logged
# side) will be replaced by "iframe" (on component side).
replay.connect_to rtt_task, :frame => :iframe
Once the replay network is properly set up, you start replaying by calling #run#.
replay.run # replay all logged data as fast as possible
replay.run(true,1) # replay as fast as the data were recorded
replay.step # replay one data sample
Only ports are replayed which are connected to RTT components, for which a reader has been created or a filter was specified. If you want to specify that one particular stream should be replayed, set its #tracked# property to true:
# Forces the log stream to be replayed
replay.camera.frame.tracked = true
Understanding time in log files
Rock’s log file format embeds two times per sample one logical time and one real time. Currently, these two times correspond to the time at which the logger received a sample (logical time) and the time it wrote it to disk (real time).
However, when visualizing or replaying data, one usually wants to consider the time of the sample as the replay time (i.e. the time stored in the sample’s timestamp field, if there is one). In most cases, the logical time will do the trick. However, it won’t be the case if the computer on the robot is overloaded (either because the disk is too slow or the CPU load too high).
In the future, the logical time will be the sample time. However, the current implementation of Rock’s logger component does not allow that, so one needs to use some options on Rock’s log replay tooling.
The following methods are limited for data types that have a ‘time’ field of type /base/Time. The replay algorithm will fall back to the logical time for streams do not fit this.
On the command line, one can use the --time-source option to rock-replay:
rock-replay --use-sample-time mylogfile.0.log
In Ruby scripts, one can use the time_source attribute on the Replay class
replay = Log::Replay.open(file0,folder0,...)
replay.use_sample_time = true
Finally, one can process log files offline to store the sample time in place of the logical time using rock-convert. This is very useful when the same logfile is going to be processed multiple times, as it will remove the need to add the use_sample_time option to the other tools
rock-convert --use-sample-time LOGFILE
Example: Loading and accessing log data:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'orocos/log'
include Orocos
replay = Log::Replay.open('camera.0.log')
replay.camera.frame do |frame|
puts frame.time
#replay as fast as possible
Example: Loading and replaying log data
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'orocos/log'
include Orocos
replay = Log::Replay.open('camera.0.log')
Orocos.run 'deployment_x' do
task_x = Orocos.name_service.get('task_x')
#auto connect
replay.connect_to task_x
Example: Filtering log data
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'orocos/log'
include Orocos
replay = Log::Replay.open('camera.0.log')
Orocos.run 'deployment_x' do
task_x = Orocos.name_service.get('task_x')
replay.connect_to task_x
#the filter is applied on each frame
#before it is written to ports or readers
replay.camera.frame.filter = Proc.new do |frame|
frame.time = Time.now
Example: Advanced
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'orocos/log'
include Orocos
replay = Log::Replay.open('camera.0.log','sonar.0.log')
Orocos.run 'deployment_x','deployment_y' do
task_x = Orocos.name_service.get('task_x')
task_y = Orocos.name_service.get('task_y')
replay.connect_to task_x
#port mapping
replay.connect_to task_y, "sonar.frame" => "iframe"
#get a reader
#Be careful. Here is a filter applied on the reader
#if the original frame is changed in the filter all
#readers for the same frame which are created after this
#reader are affected as well.
reader = replay.camera.frame.reader do |frame|
puts frame.time
#display all ports of type /base/samples/frame/Frame
ports = replay.find_all_ports('/base/samples/frame/Frame')
ports.each do |port|
replay.step(false) #replay one step
replay.step(false) #replay one step
puts replay.camera.frame.read.time #display current
#frame time stamp
puts reader.read.time #should be the same
replay.rewind #rewind log data
#the code block is called for each message on all
replay.run do |port,data|
puts data.time if port.name == 'frame'