Class: Syskit::TaskContext
- Extended by:
- Logger::Hierarchy, Models::TaskContext
- Includes:
- Logger::Hierarchy
- Defined in:
- lib/syskit/task_context.rb
In the orocos/rtt, a task context is what is usually called a component.
Subclasses of TaskContext represent these components in Roby plans, an TaskContext instances may be associated with a Deployment task, that represent the underlying deployment process. The link between a task context and its deployment is usually represented by an executed_by relation.
The task configuration step is managed as follows:
all tasks start with executable? and setup? returning false
the engine will call #setup to configure the task if it is in the main plan. If the actual orocos task was already setup, #setup will actually do nothing. At this stage, executable? is still false
executable? will be true only if the task is configured and all static inputs are connected.
Direct Known Subclasses
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Proxying Classes: Aborted, Interrupt, PropertiesUpdated, Start, Stop
Constant Summary collapse
Value returned by TaskContext#distance_to when the tasks are in the same process
Value returned by TaskContext#distance_to when the tasks are in different processes, but on the same machine
Value returned by TaskContext#distance_to when the tasks are in different processes localized on different machines
Constants included from Models::Component
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#last_orogen_state ⇒ Object
The last state before we went to orogen_state.
#orocos_task ⇒ Object
- Orocos::TaskContext,Orocos::ROS::Node
the underlying remote task context object.
#orogen_model ⇒ Object
- Orocos::Generation::TaskDeployment
the model of this deployment.
#orogen_state ⇒ Object
The current state for the orogen task.
#properties ⇒ Object
Accessor for the task's properties.
#property_overrides ⇒ Object
Accessor for overrides of the configuration values.
#r tid(tid) ⇒ Integer
Beware, the thread might be on a remote machine !.
#state_reader ⇒ Orocos::TaskContext::StateReader
The state reader object used to get state updates from the task.
Attributes included from Models::TaskContext
#configuration_manager, #extension_file
Attributes included from Models::Component
Attributes inherited from Component
#dynamics, #required_host, #requirements
Task Arguments collapse
#conf ⇒ Object
The task's configuration, as a list of registered configurations for the underlying task context.
#conf= ⇒ Object
The task's configuration, as a list of registered configurations for the underlying task context.
#orocos_name ⇒ Object
The name of the remote task context, i.e.
#orocos_name= ⇒ Object
The name of the remote task context, i.e.
Task Events collapse
- #aborted? ⇒ Boolean
- #aborted_event ⇒ EventGenerator
#interrupt? ⇒ Boolean
Interrupts the execution of this task context.
#interrupt_event ⇒ EventGenerator
Interrupts the execution of this task context.
#properties_updated? ⇒ Boolean
Event emitted when a property commit has successfully finished.
#properties_updated_event ⇒ EventGenerator
Event emitted when a property commit has successfully finished.
#start? ⇒ Boolean
Optionally configures and then start the component.
#start_event ⇒ EventGenerator
Optionally configures and then start the component.
#stop? ⇒ Boolean
Interrupts the execution of this task context.
#stop_event ⇒ EventGenerator
Interrupts the execution of this task context.
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #added_sink(sink, policy) ⇒ Object
#apply_configuration(config_type) ⇒ Object
Applies the values stored in
to the task properties. -
#can_be_deployed_by?(task) ⇒ Boolean
Tests whether a task can be used as-is to deploy this.
#can_finalize? ⇒ Boolean
Whether the task should be kept in plan.
#can_merge?(other_task) ⇒ Boolean
Verifies if a task could be replaced by this one.
#clean_dynamic_port_connections(port_names) ⇒ Object
Remove connections manually to the dynamic ports.
#clear_property_overrides ⇒ Object
Clears the currently defined overrides, and restores the original property values.
#commit_properties(promise = self.promise(description: "promise:#{self}#commit_properties")) ⇒ Roby::Promise
Create a promise that will apply the properties stored Syskit-side to the underlying component.
#commit_properties_if_needed(*args) ⇒ Roby::Promise, Roby::Promise::Null
Create a promise that will apply the properties stored Syskit-side to the underlying component, but only if the underlying task would have a use for it (e.g. it is running or pending).
#configure ⇒ Object
Default implementation of the configure method.
#create_fresh_copy ⇒ Object
- #deployment_hints ⇒ Object
#distance_to(other) ⇒ Object
Returns a value that represents how the two task contexts are far from each other.
#distance_to_syskit ⇒ Object
How “far” this process is from the Syskit process.
#dynamic_input_port_connections(existing_port_names) ⇒ Object
Helper for #prepare_for_setup that enumerates the inbound connections originating from a dynamic output port.
#dynamic_output_port_connections(existing_port_names) ⇒ Object
Helper for #prepare_for_setup that enumerates the outbound connections originating from a dynamic output port.
#each_property(&block) ⇒ Object
Enumerate this task's known properties.
#exception_event ⇒ Object
Returns the exception error event object for this task.
#executable? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this task context can be started.
#fatal_error_event ⇒ Object
Returns the fatal error event object for this task.
#find_property(name) ⇒ Object
Resolves a property by name.
- #find_through_method_missing(m, args) ⇒ Object
#handle_state_changes ⇒ Object
Handle a state transition by emitting the relevant events.
#has_property?(name) ⇒ Boolean
Whether this task has a property with the given name.
- #has_through_method_missing?(m) ⇒ Boolean
#in_process? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this task runs within the Syskit process itself.
#initialize(orogen_model: nil, **arguments) ⇒ TaskContext
A new instance of TaskContext.
#initialize_remote_handles(remote_handles) ⇒ Object
Initialize the communication with the remote task.
#instanciate_dynamic_input_port(name, type, port) ⇒ Port
Adds a new port to this model based on a known dynamic port.
#instanciate_dynamic_output_port(name, type, port) ⇒ Port
Adds a new port to this model based on a known dynamic port.
- #kill_execution_agent_if_alone ⇒ Object
#merge(merged_task) ⇒ void
Replaces the given task by this task.
#needs_reconfiguration! ⇒ Object
Make sure that #configure will be called on this task before it gets started.
#needs_reconfiguration? ⇒ Boolean
If true, #configure must be called on this task before it is started.
#on_localhost? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this task runs on the same host than the Syskit process.
- #operation(name) ⇒ Object
#perform_setup(promise) ⇒ Object
The actual setup operations.
#prepare_for_setup(promise) ⇒ Object
Setup operations that must be performed before Component#perform_setup is called by #perform_setup.
#property(name) ⇒ Object
Returns the syskit-side representation of the given property.
#queue_property_update_if_needed ⇒ Object
Queue a remote property update if none are pending.
#read_current_state ⇒ Object
Pull all state changes that are still queued within the state reader and returns the last one.
#ready_for_setup?(state = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if this component needs to be setup by calling the #setup method, or if it can be used as-is.
- #ready_to_start! ⇒ Object
- #removed_sink(source) ⇒ Object
#reusable? ⇒ Boolean
Tests if this task can be reused in the next deployment run.
#running_event ⇒ Object
Returns the running event object for this task.
#runtime_error_event ⇒ Object
Returns the runtime error event object for this task.
#self_port_to_orocos_port(port) ⇒ Orocos::Port
Resolves the given Syskit::Port object into the actual Port object on the underlying task.
#setting_up!(promise) ⇒ Object
(see Component#setting_up!)_.
#setup? ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if the underlying Orocos task has been configured and can be started.
#setup_failed!(exception) ⇒ Object
(see Component#setup_failed!)_.
#setup_successful! ⇒ Object
Announces that the task is indeed setup.
#state_event(name) ⇒ Symbol
Returns the task's event name that maps to the given component state name.
#stop_orocos_task ⇒ Object
Helper method that is called in a separate thread to stop the orocos task, taking into account some corner cases such as a dead task, or a task that raises StateTransitionFailed but stops anyways.
#stub!(name = nil) ⇒ Object
Stub this task context by assigning a Orocos::RubyTaskContext to #orocos_task.
- #tid ⇒ Object
#trigger_latency ⇒ Object
Maximum time between the task is sent a trigger signal and the time it is actually triggered.
#update_orogen_state ⇒ Object
Called at each cycle to update the orogen_state attribute for this task using the values read from the state reader.
- #updated_sink(sink, policy) ⇒ Object
#validate_orogen_state_from_rtt_state ⇒ Object
Validates that the current value in #orogen_state matches the value returned by orocos_task.rtt_state.
#validate_orogen_states=(value) ⇒ Object
If true, the current state (got from the component's state port) is compared with the RTT state as reported by the task itself through a port.
#validate_orogen_states? ⇒ Boolean
If true, the current state (got from the component's state port) is compared with the RTT state as reported by the task itself through a port.
#will_never_setup?(state = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Whether this task context will ever be configurable.
- #would_use_property_update? ⇒ Boolean
Methods included from Models::TaskContext
all_state_event, apply_block, clear_registration_as_constant, define_from_orogen, each_event_port, each_state_event, make_state_events, merge_service_model, needs_stub?, new_submodel, root_model, setup_submodel, state_events, worstcase_processing_time
Methods included from Models::OrogenBase
#find_model_by_orogen, #find_model_from_orogen_name, #has_model_for?, #model_for
Methods included from Models::PortAccess
#each_input_port, #each_output_port, #each_port, #find_input_port, #find_output_port, #find_port, #has_dynamic_input_port?, #has_dynamic_output_port?, #has_input_port?, #has_output_port?, #has_port?, #port_by_name
Methods included from Models::Component
#all_data_service, #all_dynamic_service, #all_stub_module, #apply_missing_dynamic_services_from, #as, #as_plan, #bind, #clear_model, #component_model?, #compute_port_mappings, #concrete_model?, #connected?, #create_dynamic_instantiation_context, #create_private_specialization, #create_proxy_task, #create_proxy_task_model, #data_service, #data_services, #deregister_placeholder_model, #deregister_submodels, #driver_for, #dynamic_service, #dynamic_services, #each_com_bus_driver_service, #each_data_service, #each_dynamic_service, #each_input_port, #each_master_driver_service, #each_output_port, #each_port, #each_required_dynamic_service, #each_required_model, #each_root_data_service, #each_slave_data_service, #each_stub_module, #ensure_model_is_specialized, #find_all_data_services_from_type, #find_data_service_from_type, #find_directional_port_mapping, #find_input_port, #find_matching_service, #find_output_port, #find_placeholder_model, #find_port, #fullfills?, #if_already_present, #implicit_fullfilled_model, #instanciate, #merge_service_model, #method_missing, #needs_stub?, #placeholder?, #port_mappings_for, #port_mappings_for_task, #prefer_deployed_tasks, #prepare_stub, #private_specialization=, #private_specialization?, #promote_data_service, #promote_dynamic_service, #provides, #provides_dynamic, #proxy_task_model, #register_placeholder_model, #require_dynamic_service, #resolve, #selected_for, #self_port?, #self_port_to_component_port, #specialization_counter, #specialize, #stub, #stub_module, #supermodel, #to_component_model, #try_bind, #try_resolve, #use_conf, #use_deployments, #with_arguments, #with_conf, #with_dynamic_service
Methods included from DataService
Methods included from Models::Base
#dependency_injection_names, #pretty_print, #short_name, #to_instance_requirements, #to_s
Methods inherited from Component
#added_dynamic_service, #added_input_port_connection, #added_output_port_connection, #adding_input_port_connection, #adding_output_port_connection, #as, #bind, #concrete_model, #connect_to, #data_accessor, #data_reader, #data_writer, #dependency_context, #duplicate_missing_services_from, #each_data_service, #each_dynamic_service, #each_fullfilled_model, #each_required_dynamic_service, #find_data_service, #find_data_service_from_type, #has_data_service?, #initialize_copy, #meets_configurationg_precedence_constraints?, #placeholder?, #removed_input_port_connection, #removed_output_port_connection, #removing_input_port_connection, #removing_output_port_connection, #require_dynamic_service, #self_port_to_actual_port, #self_port_to_component_port, #setting_up?, #setup, #setup=, #should_configure_after, #specialize, #specialized_model?, #start_only_when_connected?, #to_instance_requirements, #update_requirements
Methods included from PortAccess
#each_input_port, #each_output_port, #each_port, #find_input_port, #find_output_port, #find_port, #has_input_port?, #has_output_port?, #has_port?
Constructor Details
#initialize(orogen_model: nil, **arguments) ⇒ TaskContext
Returns a new instance of TaskContext
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 95 def initialize(orogen_model: nil, **arguments) super(**arguments) @orogen_model = orogen_model ||, model.orogen_model) properties = property_overrides = self.model.orogen_model.each_property do |p| type = properties[] =,, type) property_overrides[] =, type) end @properties =, properties) @property_overrides =, property_overrides) @current_property_commit = nil @setup = false @ready_to_start = false @required_host = nil # This is initalized to one as we known that {#setup} will # perform a property update @has_pending_property_updates = true end |
Instance Attribute Details
#last_orogen_state ⇒ Object (readonly)
The last state before we went to orogen_state
52 53 54 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 52 def last_orogen_state @last_orogen_state end |
#orocos_task ⇒ Object (readonly)
- Orocos::TaskContext,Orocos::ROS::Node
the underlying remote task
context object. It is set only when the task context's deployment is running
45 46 47 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 45 def orocos_task @orocos_task end |
#orogen_model ⇒ Object
- Orocos::Generation::TaskDeployment
the model of this deployment
47 48 49 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 47 def orogen_model @orogen_model end |
#orogen_state ⇒ Object (readonly)
The current state for the orogen task. It is a symbol that represents the state name (i.e. :RUNTIME_ERROR, :RUNNING, …)
50 51 52 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 50 def orogen_state @orogen_state end |
#properties ⇒ Object (readonly)
Accessor for the task's properties
291 292 293 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 291 def properties @properties end |
#property_overrides ⇒ Object (readonly)
Accessor for overrides of the configuration values
This is an accessor that works akin to #properties. It is used to set values that will override the values in the configuration files at #configure time
The expected configuration can later be restored with #property_overrides
303 304 305 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 303 def property_overrides @property_overrides end |
#r tid(tid) ⇒ Integer
Beware, the thread might be on a remote machine !
78 79 80 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 78 def tid orocos_task.tid end |
#state_reader ⇒ Orocos::TaskContext::StateReader (readonly)
The state reader object used to get state updates from the task
487 488 489 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 487 def state_reader @state_reader end |
Instance Method Details
#aborted? ⇒ Boolean
969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 969 event :aborted, terminal: true do |context| if execution_agent && execution_agent.running? && !execution_agent.finishing? aborted_event.achieve_asynchronously(description: "aborting #{self}") do begin orocos_task.stop(false) rescue Exception end end else aborted_event.emit end end |
#aborted_event ⇒ EventGenerator
969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 969 event :aborted, terminal: true do |context| if execution_agent && execution_agent.running? && !execution_agent.finishing? aborted_event.achieve_asynchronously(description: "aborting #{self}") do begin orocos_task.stop(false) rescue Exception end end else aborted_event.emit end end |
#added_sink(sink, policy) ⇒ Object
1173 1174 1175 1176 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1173 def added_sink(sink, policy) super relation_graph_for(Flows::DataFlow).modified_tasks << self end |
#apply_configuration(config_type) ⇒ Object
Applies the values stored in config_type
to the task
It is assumed that config_type responds to each, and that the provided each method yields (name, value) pairs. These pairs are then used to call to set the values on the component
1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1058 def apply_configuration(config_type) config_type.each do |name, value| if has_property?(name) property(name).write(value) else ::Robot.warn "ignoring field #{name} in configuration of #{orocos_name} (#{})" end end end |
#can_be_deployed_by?(task) ⇒ Boolean
Tests whether a task can be used as-is to deploy this
It is mostly the same as #can_merge?, while taking into account e.g. that some operations done during merging will require the component to do a reconfiguration cycle
210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 210 def can_be_deployed_by?(task) # NOTE: in the two tests below, we use the fact that # {#can_merge?} (and therefore {Component#can_be_deployed_by?}) # already checked that services that have the same name in task # and self are actually of identical definition. return false if !super # First check if there are services that need to be removed. # Syskit doesn't support that, so for those we cannot deploy # using 'task' task.each_required_dynamic_service do |srv| if srv.model.remove_when_unused? && !find_data_service( return false end end # Now check for new services that would require reconfiguration # when added. Unlike with remove_when_unused, if 'task' is not # setup, we can add the new data services to 'task' and # therefore ignore the differences return true if !task.setup? each_required_dynamic_service do |srv| if srv.model.addition_requires_reconfiguration? && !task.find_data_service( return false end end true end |
#can_finalize? ⇒ Boolean
Whether the task should be kept in plan
137 138 139 140 141 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 137 def can_finalize? super && (!(promise = @current_property_commit) || promise.complete?) end |
#can_merge?(other_task) ⇒ Boolean
Verifies if a task could be replaced by this one
false otherwise
191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 191 def can_merge?(other_task) # :nodoc: return if !super # Verify the host constraints (i.e. can't merge other_task in # +self+ if both have constraints on which host they should run, # and that constraint does not match) result = other_task.respond_to?(:required_host) && (!required_host || !other_task.required_host || required_host == other_task.required_host) if !result NetworkGeneration.debug { "cannot merge #{other_task} in #{self}: different host constraints" } false else true end end |
#clean_dynamic_port_connections(port_names) ⇒ Object
Remove connections manually to the dynamic ports
This is called after orocos_task.cleanup, as a task's cleanupHook is supposed to delete all dynamic ports (and therefore disconnect them)
616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 616 def clean_dynamic_port_connections(port_names) to_remove = to_remove.merge!(dynamic_input_port_connections(port_names)) to_remove.merge!(dynamic_output_port_connections(port_names)) relation_graph_for(Flows::DataFlow).modified_tasks << self to_remove.each do |(source_task, sink_task), connections| ActualDataFlow.remove_connections(source_task, sink_task, connections) end end |
#clear_property_overrides ⇒ Object
Clears the currently defined overrides, and restores the original property values
1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1043 def clear_property_overrides property_overrides.clear_values property_overrides.each do |property_override| if value = property_override.remote_value properties[].write(value) end end end |
#commit_properties(promise = self.promise(description: "promise:#{self}#commit_properties")) ⇒ Roby::Promise
Create a promise that will apply the properties stored Syskit-side to the underlying component
This usually does not need to be called, as Syskit queues a property update at the component configuration, and whenever a property gets updated
391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 391 def commit_properties(promise = self.promise(description: "promise:#{self}#commit_properties")) promise.on_success(description: "#{self}#commit_properties#init") do if finalized? || garbage? || finishing? || finished? [] else # NOTE: {#queue_property_update_if_needed}, is a # *delayed* property commit. It attempts at doing one # batched write for many writes from Property#write. # # This works because the property-snapshot step (this # step) is done within the event loop. # Register this as the active property commit # for the benefit of {#handle_state_change} and # synchronizing with the task stop @current_property_commit = promise # Reset to false (allowing commit queueing from # Property#write) only if the task is starting and/or # running. This is because we explicitely commit # properties within the setup step, and within the # task's start event. @has_pending_property_updates = !(starting? || running?) do |p| if p.needs_commit? [p, p.value.dup] end end.compact end end promise.then(description: "#{self}#commit_properties#write") do |properties| do |p, p_value| begin p.remote_property.write(p_value) [, p, nil] rescue ::Exception => e [, p, e] end end.compact end.on_success(description: "#{self}#commit_properties#update_log") do |result| do |, property, error| if error execution_engine.add_error(, property)) else property.update_remote_value(property.value) property.update_log() property end end.compact end @has_pending_property_updates = true promise end |
#commit_properties_if_needed(*args) ⇒ Roby::Promise, Roby::Promise::Null
Create a promise that will apply the properties stored Syskit-side to the underlying component, but only if the underlying task would have a use for it (e.g. it is running or pending)
It returns a null promise otherwise.
375 376 377 378 379 380 381 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 375 def commit_properties_if_needed(*args) if would_use_property_update? commit_properties(*args) else Roby::Promise.null end end |
#conf ⇒ Object
The task's configuration, as a list of registered configurations for the underlying task context
For instance ['default', 'left_camera'] will apply the 'default' section of config/orogen/orogen_project::TaskClassName.yml and then override with the 'left_camera' section of the same file
37 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 37 argument :conf, :default => ['default'] |
#conf= ⇒ Object
The task's configuration, as a list of registered configurations for the underlying task context
For instance ['default', 'left_camera'] will apply the 'default' section of config/orogen/orogen_project::TaskClassName.yml and then override with the 'left_camera' section of the same file
37 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 37 argument :conf, :default => ['default'] |
#configure ⇒ Object
Default implementation of the configure method.
This default implementation takes its configuration from
State.config.task_name, where task_name
is the CORBA task name
(i.e. the global name of the task).
It then sets the task properties using the values found there
1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1004 def configure # First, set configuration from the configuration files # Note: it can only set properties if model.configuration_manager.apply(self, override: true) info "applied configuration #{conf} to #{}" end # Then set configuration stored in Syskit.conf if Syskit.conf.orocos.send("#{orocos_name}?") config = Syskit.conf.orocos.send(orocos_name) apply_configuration(config) end # Then set per-device configuration options if respond_to?(:each_master_device) each_master_device do |device| if device.configuration apply_configuration(device.configuration) elsif device.configuration_block end end end property_overrides.each do |property_override| if property_override.has_value? actual_property = properties[] if actual_property.has_value? property_override.update_remote_value( end actual_property.write( end end super if defined? super end |
#create_fresh_copy ⇒ Object
121 122 123 124 125 126 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 121 def create_fresh_copy # :nodoc: new_task = super new_task.orocos_task = orocos_task new_task.orogen_model = orogen_model new_task end |
#deployment_hints ⇒ Object
260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 260 def deployment_hints hints = requirements.deployment_hints.to_set.dup return hints if !hints.empty? if respond_to?(:each_master_device) each_master_device do |dev| hints |= dev.requirements.deployment_hints.to_set end end return hints if !hints.empty? super end |
#distance_to(other) ⇒ Object
Returns a value that represents how the two task contexts are far from each other. The possible return values are:
- nil
one or both of the tasks are not deployed
both tasks are in the same process
both tasks are in different processes, but on the same machine
both tasks are in different processes localized on different machines
182 183 184 185 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 182 def distance_to(other) return if !execution_agent || !other.execution_agent execution_agent.distance_to(other.execution_agent) end |
#distance_to_syskit ⇒ Object
How “far” this process is from the Syskit process
156 157 158 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 156 def distance_to_syskit execution_agent.distance_to_syskit end |
#dynamic_input_port_connections(existing_port_names) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Helper for #prepare_for_setup that enumerates the inbound connections originating from a dynamic output port
630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 630 def dynamic_input_port_connections(existing_port_names) to_remove = real_model = self.model.concrete_model dynamic_ports = self.model.each_input_port.find_all do |p| !real_model.find_input_port( end dynamic_ports = dynamic_ports.each do |name| if existing_port_names.include?(name) Syskit.fatal "task #{orocos_task} did not clear #{name}, a dynamic input port, during cleanup, as it should have. Go fix it." end end ActualDataFlow.each_in_neighbour(orocos_task) do |source_task| mappings = ActualDataFlow.edge_info(source_task, orocos_task) to_remove[[source_task, orocos_task]] = mappings.each_key.find_all do |from_port, to_port| dynamic_ports.include?(to_port) end end to_remove end |
#dynamic_output_port_connections(existing_port_names) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Helper for #prepare_for_setup that enumerates the outbound connections originating from a dynamic output port
657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 657 def dynamic_output_port_connections(existing_port_names) to_remove = real_model = self.model.concrete_model dynamic_ports = self.model.each_output_port.find_all do |p| !real_model.find_output_port( end dynamic_ports = dynamic_ports.each do |name| if existing_port_names.include?(name) Syskit.fatal "task #{orocos_task} did not clear #{name}, a dynamic output port, during cleanup, as it should have. Go fix it." end end ActualDataFlow.each_out_neighbour(orocos_task) do |sink_task| mappings = ActualDataFlow.edge_info(orocos_task, sink_task) to_remove[[orocos_task, sink_task]] = mappings.each_key.find_all do |from_port, to_port| dynamic_ports.include?(from_port) end end to_remove end |
#each_property(&block) ⇒ Object
Enumerate this task's known properties
306 307 308 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 306 def each_property(&block) properties.each(&block) end |
#exception_event ⇒ Object
Returns the exception error event object for this task. This event gets emitted whenever the component goes into an exception state.
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 934
#executable? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this task context can be started
Under syskit, this can happen only if the task has been setup and all its inputs are connected
132 133 134 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 132 def executable? @executable || (@ready_to_start && super) end |
#fatal_error_event ⇒ Object
Returns the fatal error event object for this task. This event gets emitted whenever the component goes into a fatal error state.
This leads to the component emitting both :failed and :stop
947 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 947 forward :start => :running |
#find_property(name) ⇒ Object
Resolves a property by name
331 332 333 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 331 def find_property(name) properties[name.to_str] end |
#find_through_method_missing(m, args) ⇒ Object
1190 1191 1192 1193 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1190 def find_through_method_missing(m, args) MetaRuby::DSLs.find_through_method_missing( self, m, args, '_property' => :find_property) || super end |
#handle_state_changes ⇒ Object
Handle a state transition by emitting the relevant events
809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 809 def handle_state_changes # :nodoc: # If we are starting, we should ignore all states until a # runtime state is found if !@got_running_state if orocos_task.runtime_state?(orogen_state) @got_running_state = true @last_terminal_state = nil start_event.emit else return end end if orocos_task.runtime_state?(orogen_state) if last_orogen_state && orocos_task.error_state?(last_orogen_state) running_event.emit elsif @last_terminal_state fatal "#{self} reports state #{orogen_state} after having reported a terminal state (#{@last_terminal_state}). Syskit will try to go on, but this should not happen." end end state_event = if orogen_state == :STOPPED if interrupt_event.pending? interrupt_event elsif finishing? stop_event else success_event end elsif orogen_state != :RUNNING if event_name = state_event(orogen_state) event(event_name) else raise ArgumentError, "#{self} reports state #{orogen_state}, but I don't have an event for this state transition" end end return if !state_event if state_event.terminal? # This is needed so that the first step of # @current_property_commit cancels the promise. self.finishing = true # If there's a pending property commit, we must wait for it # to finish before emitting the event if (promise = @current_property_commit) && !promise.complete? promise.add_observer do execution_engine.execute(type: :propagation) do state_event.emit end end else state_event.emit end @last_terminal_state = orogen_state elsif orogen_state != :RUNNING state_event.emit end end |
#has_property?(name) ⇒ Boolean
Whether this task has a property with the given name
311 312 313 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 311 def has_property?(name) properties.include?(name) end |
#has_through_method_missing?(m) ⇒ Boolean
1186 1187 1188 1189 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1186 def has_through_method_missing?(m) MetaRuby::DSLs.has_through_method_missing?( self, m, '_property' => :has_property?) || super end |
#in_process? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this task runs within the Syskit process itself
161 162 163 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 161 def in_process? execution_agent.in_process? end |
#initialize_remote_handles(remote_handles) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Initialize the communication with the remote task
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 59 def initialize_remote_handles(remote_handles) @orocos_task = remote_handles.handle @orocos_task.model = model.orogen_model @state_reader = remote_handles.state_reader remote_handles.default_properties.each do |p, p_value| syskit_p = property( syskit_p.remote_property = p syskit_p.update_remote_value(p_value) syskit_p.(p.) if !syskit_p.has_value? syskit_p.write(p_value) end end end |
#instanciate_dynamic_input_port(name, type, port) ⇒ Port
Adds a new port to this model based on a known dynamic port
1100 1101 1102 1103 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1100 def instanciate_dynamic_input_port(name, type, port) specialize model.instanciate_dynamic_input_port(name, type, port).bind(self) end |
#instanciate_dynamic_output_port(name, type, port) ⇒ Port
Adds a new port to this model based on a known dynamic port
1111 1112 1113 1114 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1111 def instanciate_dynamic_output_port(name, type, port) specialize model.instanciate_dynamic_output_port(name, type, port).bind(self) end |
#interrupt? ⇒ Boolean
Interrupts the execution of this task context
897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 897 event :interrupt do |context| info "interrupting #{self}" if !orocos_task # already killed interrupt_event.emit aborted_event.emit elsif execution_agent && !execution_agent.finishing? promise = execution_engine. promise(description: "promise:#{self}#interrupt") do stop_orocos_task end. on_success(description: "#{self}#interrupt#done") do |result| if result == :aborted interrupt_event.emit aborted_event.emit end end interrupt_event.achieve_asynchronously(promise, emit_on_success: false) end end |
#interrupt_event ⇒ EventGenerator
Interrupts the execution of this task context
897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 897 event :interrupt do |context| info "interrupting #{self}" if !orocos_task # already killed interrupt_event.emit aborted_event.emit elsif execution_agent && !execution_agent.finishing? promise = execution_engine. promise(description: "promise:#{self}#interrupt") do stop_orocos_task end. on_success(description: "#{self}#interrupt#done") do |result| if result == :aborted interrupt_event.emit aborted_event.emit end end interrupt_event.achieve_asynchronously(promise, emit_on_success: false) end end |
#kill_execution_agent_if_alone ⇒ Object
954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 954 def kill_execution_agent_if_alone if execution_agent not_loggers = execution_agent.each_executed_task. find_all { |t| ! } if not_loggers.size == 1 plan.unmark_permanent_task(execution_agent) if execution_agent.running? execution_agent.stop! return true end end end false end |
#merge(merged_task) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Replaces the given task by this task
246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 246 def merge(merged_task) super self.required_host ||= merged_task.required_host if merged_task.orogen_model && !orogen_model self.orogen_model = merged_task.orogen_model end if merged_task.orocos_task && !orocos_task self.orocos_task = merged_task.orocos_task end nil end |
#needs_reconfiguration! ⇒ Object
Make sure that #configure will be called on this task before it gets started
See also #setup and #needs_reconfiguration?
602 603 604 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 602 def needs_reconfiguration! execution_agent.needs_reconfiguration!(orocos_name) if execution_agent end |
#needs_reconfiguration? ⇒ Boolean
If true, #configure must be called on this task before it is started. This flag is reset after #configure has been called
592 593 594 595 596 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 592 def needs_reconfiguration? if execution_agent execution_agent.needs_reconfiguration?(orocos_name) end end |
#on_localhost? ⇒ Boolean
Whether this task runs on the same host than the Syskit process
166 167 168 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 166 def on_localhost? execution_agent.on_localhost? end |
#operation(name) ⇒ Object
274 275 276 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 274 def operation(name) orocos_task.operation(name) end |
#orocos_name ⇒ Object
The name of the remote task context, i.e. the name under which it can be resolved by Orocos.name_service
40 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 40 argument :orocos_name |
#orocos_name= ⇒ Object
The name of the remote task context, i.e. the name under which it can be resolved by Orocos.name_service
40 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 40 argument :orocos_name |
#perform_setup(promise) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
The actual setup operations. Component#setup is the user-facing part of the setup API, which creates the promise and sets up the setup-related bookkeeping operations
722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 722 def perform_setup(promise) prepare_for_setup(promise) # This calls #configure super(promise) properties_updated_in_configure = false promise.on_success(description: "#{self}#perform_setup#log_properties") do if self.model.needs_stub?(self) self.model.prepare_stub(self) end if Syskit.conf.logs.conf_logs_enabled? each_property do |p| p.log_stream = Syskit.conf.logs.log_stream_for(p) p.update_log end end properties_updated_in_configure = { |p| p.needs_commit? } end commit_properties(promise) promise.then(description: "#{self}#perform_setup#orocos_task.configure") do state = orocos_task.rtt_state if properties_updated_in_configure && state != :PRE_OPERATIONAL info "properties have been changed within #configure, cleaning up #{self}" orocos_task.cleanup(false) state = :PRE_OPERATIONAL end if state == :PRE_OPERATIONAL info "setting up #{self}" orocos_task.configure(false) else info "#{self} was already configured" end end end |
#prepare_for_setup(promise) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Setup operations that must be performed before Component#perform_setup is called by #perform_setup
684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 684 def prepare_for_setup(promise) promise.then(description: "#{self}#prepare_for_setup#read_properties") do properties = do |syskit_p| [syskit_p, syskit_p.remote_property.raw_read] end [properties, orocos_task.rtt_state] end.on_success(description: "#{self}#prepare_for_setup#write properties and needs_reconfiguration") do |properties, state| properties.each do |syskit_p, remote_value| syskit_p.update_remote_value(remote_value) end needs_reconfiguration = needs_reconfiguration? || execution_agent.configuration_changed?( orocos_name, self.conf, each_required_dynamic_service.to_set) || { |p| p.needs_commit? } if !needs_reconfiguration info "not reconfiguring #{self}: the task is already configured as required" end [needs_reconfiguration, state] end.then(description: "#{self}#prepare_for_setup#ensure_pre_operational") do |needs_reconfiguration, state| if state == :EXCEPTION info "reconfiguring #{self}: the task was in exception state" orocos_task.reset_exception(false) orocos_task.port_names elsif needs_reconfiguration && (state != :PRE_OPERATIONAL) info "cleaning up #{self}" orocos_task.cleanup(false) orocos_task.port_names end end.on_success(description: "#{self}#prepare_for_setup#clean_dynamic_port_connections") do |port_names| if port_names clean_dynamic_port_connections(port_names) end end end |
#properties_updated? ⇒ Boolean
Event emitted when a property commit has successfully finished
336 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 336 event :properties_updated |
#properties_updated_event ⇒ EventGenerator
Event emitted when a property commit has successfully finished
336 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 336 event :properties_updated |
#property(name) ⇒ Object
Returns the syskit-side representation of the given property
Properties in Syskit are applied only at configuration time, or when #commit_properties is called
319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 319 def property(name) name = name.to_s if p = find_property(name) p else raise, name), "#{self} has no property called #{name}" end end |
#queue_property_update_if_needed ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Queue a remote property update if none are pending
This is used by Property on writes. Note that because of the general property update structure, all property updates happening in a single execution cycle will be committed together.
349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 349 def queue_property_update_if_needed if !would_use_property_update? raise InvalidState, "attempting to queue a property update on a finished or finishing task" end if !@has_pending_property_updates commit_properties.execute end end |
#read_current_state ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Pull all state changes that are still queued within the state reader and returns the last one
It is destructive, as it does “forget” any pending state changes currently queued.
513 514 515 516 517 518 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 513 def read_current_state while new_state = state_reader.read_new state = new_state end state || end |
#ready_for_setup?(state = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if this component needs to be setup by calling the #setup method, or if it can be used as-is
528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 528 def ready_for_setup?(state = nil) if execution_agent.configuring?(orocos_name) debug { "#{self} not ready for setup: already configuring" } return false elsif !super() return false elsif !all_inputs_connected?(only_static: true) debug { "#{self} not ready for setup: some static ports are not connected" } return false elsif !orogen_model || !orocos_task debug { "#{self} not ready for setup: no orogen model or no orocos task" } return false end state ||= read_current_state configurable_state = [:STOPPED, :PRE_OPERATIONAL].include?(state) || orocos_task.exception_state?(state) if configurable_state true else debug { "#{self} not ready for setup: in state #{state}, expected STOPPED, PRE_OPERATIONAL or an exception state" } false end end |
#ready_to_start! ⇒ Object
566 567 568 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 566 def ready_to_start! @ready_to_start = true end |
#removed_sink(source) ⇒ Object
1181 1182 1183 1184 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1181 def removed_sink(source) super relation_graph_for(Flows::DataFlow).modified_tasks << self end |
#reusable? ⇒ Boolean
Tests if this task can be reused in the next deployment run
607 608 609 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 607 def reusable? super && (!setup? || !needs_reconfiguration?) end |
#running_event ⇒ Object
Returns the running event object for this task. This event gets emitted whenever the component goes into the Running state, either because it has just been started or because it left a runtime error state.
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 921
#runtime_error_event ⇒ Object
Returns the runtime error event object for this task. This event gets emitted whenever the component goes into a runtime error state.
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 928
#self_port_to_orocos_port(port) ⇒ Orocos::Port
Resolves the given Syskit::Port object into the actual Port object on the underlying task.
It should not be used directly. One should usually use Port#to_orocos_port instead
1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1086 def self_port_to_orocos_port(port) orocos_port = orocos_task.raw_port( if orocos_port.type != port.type raise, orocos_port.type) end orocos_port end |
#setting_up!(promise) ⇒ Object
(see Component#setting_up!)_
759 760 761 762 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 759 def setting_up!(promise) super execution_agent.start_configuration(orocos_name) end |
#setup? ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if the underlying Orocos task has been configured and can be started
The general protocol is:
if !setup? && ready_for_setup?
562 563 564 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 562 def setup? @setup end |
#setup_failed!(exception) ⇒ Object
(see Component#setup_failed!)_
765 766 767 768 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 765 def setup_failed!(exception) execution_agent.finished_configuration(orocos_name) super end |
#setup_successful! ⇒ Object
Announces that the task is indeed setup
This is meant for internal use. Don't use it unless you know what you are doing
574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 574 def setup_successful! execution_agent.update_current_configuration( orocos_name, model, self.conf.dup, self.each_required_dynamic_service.to_set) execution_agent.finished_configuration(orocos_name) if all_inputs_connected? ready_to_start! execution_engine.scheduler.report_action "configured and all inputs connected, marking as executable", self Runtime.debug { "#{self} is setup and all its inputs are connected, executable? = #{executable?}" } else execution_engine.scheduler.report_action "configured, but some connections are pending", self Runtime.debug { "#{self} is setup but some of its inputs are not connected, executable = #{executable?}" } end super end |
#start? ⇒ Boolean
Optionally configures and then start the component. The start event will be emitted when the it has successfully been configured and started.
775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 775 event :start do |context| info "starting #{to_s}" @last_orogen_state = nil if state_reader.respond_to?(:resume) state_reader.resume end expected_output_ports = each_concrete_output_connection. map { |port_name, _| port_name } expected_input_ports = each_concrete_input_connection. map { |_, _, port_name, _| port_name } promise = promise(description: "promise:#{self}#start") commit_properties(promise) promise.then do port_names = orocos_task.port_names.to_set # At this point, we should have already created all the dynamic # ports that are required ... check that expected_output_ports.each do |source_port| if !port_names.include?(source_port) raise Orocos::NotFound, "#{orocos_name}(#{}) does not have a port named #{source_port}" end end expected_input_ports.each do |sink_port| if !port_names.include?(sink_port) raise Orocos::NotFound, "#{orocos_name}(#{}) does not have a port named #{sink_port}" end end orocos_task.start(false) end start_event.achieve_asynchronously(promise, emit_on_success: false) end |
#start_event ⇒ EventGenerator
Optionally configures and then start the component. The start event will be emitted when the it has successfully been configured and started.
775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 775 event :start do |context| info "starting #{to_s}" @last_orogen_state = nil if state_reader.respond_to?(:resume) state_reader.resume end expected_output_ports = each_concrete_output_connection. map { |port_name, _| port_name } expected_input_ports = each_concrete_input_connection. map { |_, _, port_name, _| port_name } promise = promise(description: "promise:#{self}#start") commit_properties(promise) promise.then do port_names = orocos_task.port_names.to_set # At this point, we should have already created all the dynamic # ports that are required ... check that expected_output_ports.each do |source_port| if !port_names.include?(source_port) raise Orocos::NotFound, "#{orocos_name}(#{}) does not have a port named #{source_port}" end end expected_input_ports.each do |sink_port| if !port_names.include?(sink_port) raise Orocos::NotFound, "#{orocos_name}(#{}) does not have a port named #{sink_port}" end end orocos_task.start(false) end start_event.achieve_asynchronously(promise, emit_on_success: false) end |
#state_event(name) ⇒ Symbol
Returns the task's event name that maps to the given component state name
85 86 87 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 85 def state_event(name) model.find_state_event(name) end |
#stop? ⇒ Boolean
Interrupts the execution of this task context
986 987 988 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 986 event :stop do |context| interrupt! end |
#stop_event ⇒ EventGenerator
Interrupts the execution of this task context
986 987 988 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 986 event :stop do |context| interrupt! end |
#stop_orocos_task ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Helper method that is called in a separate thread to stop the orocos task, taking into account some corner cases such as a dead task, or a task that raises StateTransitionFailed but stops anyways
876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 876 def stop_orocos_task orocos_task.stop(false) nil rescue Orocos::ComError # We actually aborted. Notify the callback so that it emits # interrupt and stop :aborted rescue Orocos::StateTransitionFailed # Use #rtt_state as it has no problem with asynchronous # communication, unlike the port-based state updates. state = orocos_task.rtt_state if state != :RUNNING Runtime.debug { "in the interrupt event, StateTransitionFailed: task.state == #{state}" } # Nothing to do, the poll block will finalize the task nil else raise end end |
#stub!(name = nil) ⇒ Object
Stub this task context by assigning a Orocos::RubyTaskContext to #orocos_task
1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1069 def stub!(name = nil) if !name && !orocos_name raise ArgumentError, "orocos_task is not set on #{self}, you must provide an explicit name in #stub!" end if name self.orocos_name = name end self.orocos_task = Orocos::RubyTaskContext.from_orogen_model(orocos_name, model.orogen_model) end |
#tid ⇒ Object
78 79 80 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 78 def tid orocos_task.tid end |
#trigger_latency ⇒ Object
Maximum time between the task is sent a trigger signal and the time it is actually triggered
91 92 93 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 91 def trigger_latency orogen_model.worstcase_trigger_latency end |
#update_orogen_state ⇒ Object
Called at each cycle to update the orogen_state attribute for this task using the values read from the state reader
491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 491 def update_orogen_state @state_sample ||= state_reader.new_sample result, v = state_reader.read_with_result(@state_sample, false) if !result if !state_reader.connected? fatal "terminating #{self}, its state reader #{state_reader} is disconnected" aborted! end return elsif v @last_orogen_state = @orogen_state @orogen_state = v end end |
#updated_sink(sink, policy) ⇒ Object
1177 1178 1179 1180 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 1177 def updated_sink(sink, policy) super relation_graph_for(Flows::DataFlow).modified_tasks << self end |
#validate_orogen_state_from_rtt_state ⇒ Object
Validates that the current value in #orogen_state matches the value returned by orocos_task.rtt_state. This is called automatically if #validate_orogen_states? is set to true
460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 460 def validate_orogen_state_from_rtt_state orogen_state = orogen_state rtt_state = orocos_task.rtt_state mismatch = case rtt_state when :RUNNING !orocos_task.runtime_state?(orogen_state) when :STOPPED orogen_state != :STOPPED when :RUNTIME_ERROR !orocos_task.error_state?(orogen_state) when :FATAL_ERROR !orocos_task.fatal_error_state?(orogen_state) when :EXCEPTION !orocos_task.exception_state?(orogen_state) end if mismatch Runtime.warn "state mismatch on #{self} between state=#{orogen_state} and rtt_state=#{rtt_state}" @orogen_state = rtt_state handle_state_changes end end |
#validate_orogen_states=(value) ⇒ Object
If true, the current state (got from the component's state port) is compared with the RTT state as reported by the task itself through a port.
This should only be used for debugging reasons, and if you know what you are doing: inconsistencies can arise because the state port is an asynchronous mean of communication while #rtt_state is synchronous
455 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 455 attr_predicate :validate_orogen_states, true |
#validate_orogen_states? ⇒ Boolean
If true, the current state (got from the component's state port) is compared with the RTT state as reported by the task itself through a port.
This should only be used for debugging reasons, and if you know what you are doing: inconsistencies can arise because the state port is an asynchronous mean of communication while #rtt_state is synchronous
455 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 455 attr_predicate :validate_orogen_states, true |
#will_never_setup?(state = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Whether this task context will ever be configurable
521 522 523 524 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 521 def will_never_setup?(state = nil) state ||= read_current_state state == :FATAL_ERROR end |
#would_use_property_update? ⇒ Boolean
338 339 340 |
# File 'lib/syskit/task_context.rb', line 338 def would_use_property_update? pending? || starting? || (running? && !finishing?) end |